- Economic, demographic, and political commentary about places

Is the West Ready for World War 3?


In case you missed the memo, we are apparently entering the first phases of World War 3. Or, if you count the Cold War, World War 4.  read more »

High-Rise Datacenters: Potential to Assist Downtown Recovery


The largest Central business districts (CBDs or downtowns) face a serious crisis as working from home has seriously reduced the demand for five-day on-site employment.  read more »

Moolah from Mullahs


For decades, China and Middle Eastern autocracies have been pouring billions of dollars into American and other foreign universities.  read more »


Why H.I. Should Not Be Replaced By A.I.


I have been serving the land development industry with software technology since the late 1970’s. Back then, off-the-shelf software was rare, and every computer came with instructions on how to create programs.  read more »

Will Jews Return to the Ghetto?


It is a warm Monday morning in Rome, and the city’s ancient ghetto resembles an armed camp. As carabinieri line the streets, a cloud of melancholy hangs in the air: not only had more than 1,400 Jews recently been slaughtered in Israel, but the date — October 16 — marks the anniversary of its residents forced evacuation to the concentration camps. History, it seems, is repeating itself.  read more »

Powering the Unplugged


I’m pleased to announce that yesterday, the Alliance For Responsible Citizenship published my new paper on how to bring more electricity to developing countries. It’s called “Powering The Unplugged: Overcoming the Barriers to Electrification in the Developing World.”  read more »


Many of Hollywood and Silicon Valley Jews Are Silent on Israel


Back in the early days of California’s ascendancy, the state was described as “the Jews’ early paradise”, a place where the lack of social norms, and enormous opportunities, were ideal for enterprising people  read more »

HSR: An Idea Whose Time Has Gone


The Mineta Institute — named after a San Jose congressman who was Secretary of Transportation in 2001 through 2006 — has a new report claiming that high-speed rail will produce huge economic and environmental benefits.  read more »

Samuel Huntington was Right: Cultural and Religious Clashes are Driving War Today


History is rearing its ugly head, and it would best not to look away. Time to put away our foolish utopian dreams and face the harsher, more divided world, predicted in Samuel Huntington’s 2011 book  read more »

Top Zip Codes for New Apartments: 2018 - 2022

Downtown_Dallas_from_Reunion_Tower.jpg has just published a list of the 51 ZIP Codes in the United States that have had the most apartment construction over the last five years (2018-2022).  read more »