
Bidenomics Isn't Working


With the announcement that inflation fell to 3% in June, the US President will no doubt be emboldened in his claim that Bidenomics — essentially a green-tinted government-led economy — is working.  read more »

Urban Sprawl, the Environmentally Friendly Answer to Expensive Housing


From the dawn of the colonial era, Canada, the U.S., and Australia thrived by providing what the landless have always sought. In the vast expanses of these countries  read more »

Solving the Global Housing Crisis


The global housing crisis across the high-income world, particularly in the Anglosphere, represents perhaps the single biggest challenge to the future of the middle class.  read more »

Housing Report: Blame Ourselves, Not Our Stars


No issue plagues Californians more than the high cost of housing. By almost every metric—from rents to home prices—Golden State residents suffer the highest burden for shelter of any state in the continental U.S.  read more »

The Spark That Lit the Gas Stove


On January 1, 2023 it is likely most Americans woke up with a hangover.

On January 1, 2023, it is a almost a certainty that no American woke up worried that the gas stove in their kitchen was secretly killing them.  read more »

Cities of the West: An American Success Story, Part 2


Part one of this essay showed how the political tradition of Alexander Hamilton, Henry Clay, and Abraham Lincoln gave rise to the successful spread of American civilization  read more »

Can California Be Saved?


Some conservatives regard California as a lost cause, its economy and society doomed to decline. Yet despite its awful regulatory regime, the state retains its natural bounty and an edge in many key industries.  read more »

Tory Autocracy


Over the past century, and even before, conservative political movements thrived by challenging the Left’s appeal to the working and middle class. Virtually all the successful movements on the democratic Right  read more »

Understanding Neighborhoods and Architecture as Foundation of Understanding Preservation


Cities evolve by either expanding, deteriorating, tearing down or preserving. Some cities like Dallas have vast vacant land and other cities have little undeveloped land. Whether a city is expanding or declining, preservation is always healthy for a city.  read more »

Ninth Circuit Spikes Berkeley's Gas Ban


Three federal court judges just rescued your gas stove and other gas-fired appliances from the nanny state.  read more »
