
Nurturing California Industries - Report


California has the opportunity to maintain and grow industries that can provide future jobs to middle class citizens and make the state more competitive. Below is an excerpt from this newly released report.  read more »

Los Angeles Slips Below 2010 Population: New State of California Estimates


The state Department of Finance (DOF) has reported, in its official population estimates, that California continued to lose population during calendar year 2022  read more »

California Growth and Domestic Migration: Changing Trends


For nearly all the 20th century, California was the national growth leader. In every census from 1930 to 2000, California added more residents than any other state.  read more »

Restaurant Revolution


Nokmaniphone Sayavong started her business, Nok’s Kitchen, during the worst of times—the Covid pandemic—and in a state that often treats small businesses with the delicacy of a cat torturing a mouse. Yet she has found a way to thrive.  read more »

The Future of Cities: California's Inland Empire


Ryan Atwood was the juvenile delinquent from the slums of Chino, just east of the county line, as depicted in the popular show The O.C. However, Chino was not a crime-ridden pocket in the Golden State  read more »

California Has a Population Problem – At a Minimum


There’s not much reason to expect more than a churn of mediocrity from the Los Angeles Times these days.  read more »

California Jobs: A Multi-Dimensional Problem


“From the Beginning, California promised much. While yet barely a name on the map, it entered American awareness as a symbol of renewal. It was a final frontier: of geography and of expectation.”
— Kevin Starr, “Americans and the California Dream, 1850-1915” (1973)  read more »

Big in Japan


Well, it’s big in Japan.

That is what proponents of California’s high speed rail project say when asked about the whys and wherefores of the system. In other words, if it works somewhere else it will work here.  read more »

Mirror Mirrow on the Wall, Who’s at Fault for California’s High Energy Costs?


California Governor Newsom is emphatically finger pointing, scapegoating, and complaining that oil companies are making outlandish profits, but he may be out of touch  read more »


California 2022: 400,000 Leave, Yolo County Grows the Most


California continues to lose population, according to the latest State Department of Finance estimates for the year ended July 2022.  read more »