
Home Ownership by Type of Residential Building


The latest American Community Survey data (2022) indicates that higher density condo living is strongly correlated with lower rates of home ownership than among detached or attached houses. The table below provides US data as well as data for the 56 major metropolitan areas by residential building density.

National Home Ownership by Type of Residential Building: Overall, 65.2% of US households owned their own homes  read more »

Measuring Opportunity across America: A good idea but it’s all about the details


Where you grow up in America powerfully influences your prospects in life.  read more »

Let's Give Frats Another Look


Fraternal life on college campuses occupies a particular mystique in American culture and is usually not particularly positive. Popular culture depicts frat life in distinct images; John Belushi’s Animal House and Old School, among many others, show young men who appear to do everything but take their studies seriously. There are far too many instances of hazing, cases of sexual assault and harassment, and overall elitism within fraternities which have soured public perception of fraternities.  read more »


The Failure of Dating Apps


It’s common knowledge that the relationship between young men and women has been heading the wrong direction. Marriage rates are falling, the sexes are becoming politically polarized, there are movements among both men and women to swear off relationships.  read more »


The Election: An Old Picture Changes


For much of modern American history, the support enjoyed by the two main political parties has hewed to a particular ethnic pattern.  read more »

The Demographic Dilemma: How Urban Planning is Deepening Australia’s Social Divide


For over two decades, urban planning’s preoccupation with urban form above all else, has diminished its ability to resolve the growing social and economic divide occurring across the nation.  read more »

Thinking in Public


My newsletter happy hour here in Indiana is from 6p-8p in Carmel. The event is sold out, but if you are interested in going please email me and I can probably add you to the list.  read more »


Millions Move Away from Density in Just Three Years


Between 2020 and 2023 (annual population estimates, as of July 1), more than 3.2 million US residents moved from counties with higher urban population densities (number of urban residents divided by urban square miles), to counties with lower urban densities.  read more »

Republicans are Posing a Growing Threat in Blue States


Calm down, Democrats, Donald Trump will not, as some zealous Maga types fantasise, take New York this election. Nor will he win over New Jersey, although the race may be closer there.  read more »

Demographia International Housing Affordability – 2024 Edition Released


Demographia International Housing Affordability assesses housing affordability in 94 major markets across eight nations (Australia, Canada, China, Ireland, New Zealand, Singapore, United Kingdom and the, United States).  read more »