
Universities And Urban Transformation


I’ve always been intrigued by the role of universities in the growth and development of cities. It’s well known that universities can have an outsized role on smaller towns and cities  read more »

Why Johnny Can't Build


We were once a nation of builders—from the toll roads and canals of the early nineteenth century and the railroads of the second half of that busy century, to the construction of power, energy, and water systems that were the envy of the world.  read more »

Demographia International Housing Affordability – 2024 Edition Released


Demographia International Housing Affordability assesses housing affordability in 94 major markets across eight nations (Australia, Canada, China, Ireland, New Zealand, Singapore, United Kingdom and the, United States).  read more »

Europe is Not a Museum of Past Success


Is Europe a museum of old success? The question is topical, as Europe's population will peak in two years and is then expected to decline for the rest of the century. During the roughly three decades that have passed, Europe has also fallen behind North America economically. However, Europe is not yet a museum of old success  read more »


South Africa's (lack of) Progress in Numbers


On May 29th, 2024, South Africa will have its 6th democratic election, commemorating 30 years since the end of Apartheid.  read more »


Progressive Geography's Intellectual Dead End


Americans are familiar with steep political divisions on issues like race, class, and gender. Perhaps less understood, but arguably more definitive, is the widening gap between the cognitive elites concentrated in big cities and the rest of the country.  read more »

North America Dominates Deep Tech, But WIll It Last?


During the 20th century global prosperity was focused to where technological development was happening, and this has also been the pattern for the initial decades of the 21st century.  read more »

The Economy, Not Palestine, Will Undo Joe Biden


This week’s surge in workers seeking unemployment benefits should be a sign that America’s already weakening economy, and much slower job growth, could prove the key to this year’s election.  read more »

Public Policies to Empower Latinos in California


The Gonzalez family’s immigrant journey from Mexico to California began in the late 1970s with a modest corner market in Anaheim. Today, Northgate Gonzalez Market has evolved into a billion-dollar food retailer that operates 47 stores  read more »

Latinos and the California Housing Crisis


My extended family spans from third to seventh generation Mexican immigrants. Most of us expect to work hard, provide for our families, and hope our children do better than we did.  read more »