Gov Newsom’s unpopularity might have something to do with his extreme mandates that make life unaffordable!


California’s emission mandates do an excellent job of increasing the cost of electricity, products, and fuels to its citizens. Not surprisingly, a recent Public Policy Institute of America survey revealed that California’s “green” Governor Newsom is by far the most unpopular governor in America!

California’s economy depends on affordable, reliable, and ever-cleaner electricity and fuels. Unfortunately, policymakers are driving up California’s electric and gas prices, and California now has the highest electricity and fuel prices in the nation.

Governor Newsom remains oblivious to the fact that “Mandatory Emissions (just in wealthy countries) To Achieve Net-Zero Is A Fool’s Game.” The Governor also remains reluctant, or incapable, of participating in conversations about basic energy literacy questions.

Simply put, in healthy and wealthy countries, every person, animal, or anything that causes emissions to rise could vanish off the face of the earth or even die off. Global emissions will still explode in the coming years and decades ahead over the population and economic growth of China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Tanzania.

China, India, and Indonesia are three of the largest emissions generators — the same countries that lack the financial resources or technical capabilities to reduce or capture emissions!

A careful examination of the global supply chain needs for electricity, products, and fuels for the population trends strongly suggests that “net zero” is a delusion. The end of crude oil, which is manufactured into all the products and transportation fuels that built the world to eight billion, would be the end of civilization, as “unreliable electricity” from breezes and sunshine cannot manufacture anything.

Today, California imports more electricity than any other US state, more than twice the amount of Virginia, the second largest importer of electricity. California typically receives between one-fifth to one-third of its electricity supply outside the state.

Read the rest of this piece at America Out Loud.

Ronald Stein is an engineer, senior policy advisor on energy literacy for the Heartland Institute and CFACT, and co-author of the Pulitzer Prize nominated book "Clean Energy Exploitations."

Photo: courtesy America Out Loud.