- Economic, demographic, and political commentary about places

Why Would Automakers Threaten AM Radio in Flyover Country?


We have a relationship with AM radio that folks in other parts of the country maybe can’t understand. So our antennae go up when the electric-vehicle revolution begins to eliminate the “amplitude modulation” band from new vehicles  read more »

The Future of Cities: The Urban Future – The Great Dispersion


This chapter describes general urbanization trends in the United States and around the world, from 1950 to the present. Cities can be glamorous or exciting, but what matters most is how they facilitate higher incomes and standards of living.  read more »

Vehicle Miles Traveled Gets a Killer Boost


It seems as if anything can be done – truly anything – if it is in the name of safety.  read more »

Where's the Electricity?


One of the best-known quotes was “where’s the beef?“ from Clara Peller who was a manicurist and American character actress who, at the age of 81, starred in the 1984 advertising campaign for the Wendy’s fast food restaurant chain.

Today, the huge dark cloud over EV projected sales, is the availability of electricity to charge batteries which leads us to the quote for the foreseeable future, Where’s the electricity?  read more »


No More Car Ownership?


When I heard that the World Economic Forum proposed to ban car ownership, I dismissed it as left-wing nonsense  read more »


California: Most Urban and Densest Urban State


The 2020 Census reveals California to have both the highest urban population density and the highest urbanization share of total population among the states.  read more »

How the California Dream Became a Nighmare


For Americans, California once looked like the future. It was a state defined by risk-taking and utopian dreaming. Yet for most Californians today, the upward mobility so central to the state’s ethos is rapidly disappearing.  read more »

The Future of Cities: American Aspiration is Metropolitan


Too many urbanists start their analysis of cities too late. They look at booming urban areas and see the amenities and jobs as the essential building blocks of urban dynamism. But before those amenities and jobs existed, these were places of aspirations with ambitious founders.  read more »

The Rise of the Single Woke Female


Unmarried women without children have been moving toward the Democratic Party for several years, but the 2022 midterms may have been their electoral coming out party as they proved the chief break on the predicted Republican wave.  read more »

Bandon Is Urban After All


Last week, I complained that, under the Census Bureau’s new definition of “urban,” Bandon, Oregon is rural.  read more »