- Economic, demographic, and political commentary about places

Core City Population Losses Detailed


We are living amidst a sea change in demographic trends. According to the Census Bureau, the United States last year experienced its lowest population growth “since the founding of the nation” more than 230 years ago.  read more »

What COVID Hath Wrought


Glenn Ellmers’s analysis of COVID and Trump represents a classic, and effective, account of the situation from the perspective of declining liberty and adherence to traditional values.  read more »

Culver's Proves Flyover Brands Can Flourish Nationwide


Quick – name a fast-food chain that has taken the nation by storm with its authentic, great-tasting fare and has spread like wildfire everywhere, even on the coasts, while staying true to its flyover country values.  read more »


California's Economy May Seem Healthy, But Just Wait for the Next Recession


The California economy may seem healthy on the surface, with home prices soaring, Silicon Valley booming and the state government posting big multi-year state budget surpluses thanks to a massive surge in capital gains tax revenues and income tax revenues from tech stocks.  read more »

Australia Votes - and a New Political Geography Emerges


The May 21 Federal Election in Australia saw the sitting conservative party (the Liberals) ousted from office, and the left-wing opposition Australian Labor Party claiming victory.  read more »


We're Telling the Wrong Story About Race in America


It's been a week since a mentally ill racist murdered 10 people, most of them Black Americans, in a Buffalo supermarket. In the intervening days since this horrific tragedy  read more »

More Evidence That Young Americans Are Not Attracted to Dense Cities


As COVID-19 restrictions lift and cities attempt to stem the population and commercial losses they have sustained over the past two years, many urbanists are still banking that the historic, well-documented trend of young adults flocking to big cities  read more »

Learning From Las Vegas: Academic Taxonomy


I just returned from a trip to Las Vegas. I was ready for a little post pandemic adventure and Vegas is just so easy. It was good to get out into the world again and explore the ever evolving Vegas metroplex.  read more »

Hudson County: New York's Sixth Borough


In some ways, Hudson County, New Jersey shares characteristics of a New York City borough. This is evident in various urban and transportation indicators and their similarities in urban form.  read more »

In Five Years, Sound Transit Has Racked Up An Additional $50B for Rail Plan


Since 2017, Sound Transit’s full system expansion went from costing taxpayers $92 billion to an incredible $142 billion, and project completion was stretched from 2041 to 2046.  read more »