New Geography in the News

Contributing Editor MICHAEL LIND quoted on Grant Lawrence regarding Obama

" The most dangerous deficit that the United States faces is not the budget deficit or the trade deficit. It is the Democrats' demagogy deficit. Franklin Roosevelt, looking down from that Hyde Park in the sky, would not be surprised that conservatives are seeking to channel populist anger and anxiety, not against the Wall Street elites who wrecked the economy, but against reformers promoting healthcare reform and economic security for ordinary people. As he told his audience in 1936, "It is an old strategy of tyrants to delude their victims into fighting their battles for them." But FDR would be shocked by the inability of his party to mobilize the public on behalf of reform."

Michael Lind on Grant Lawrence blog

Contributing Editor MICHAEL LIND is quoted on Just Above Sunset regarding the "demagogy gap"

"We had to struggle with the old enemies of peace: business and financial monopoly, speculation, reckless banking, class antagonism, sectionalism, war profiteering. They had begun to consider the Government of the United States as a mere appendage to their own affairs. We know now that Government by organized money is just as dangerous as Government by organized mob. Never before in all our history have these forces been so united against one candidate as they stand today. They are unanimous in their hate for me and I welcome their hatred."

Michael Lind of Just Above Sunset

Contributing Editor MICHAEL LIND is quoted on Climate Progress regarding health care

"Michael Lind has a terrific Salon column today, with the subhead, 'Why can’t Democrats mobilize the public for healthcare reform? Blame the demagogy gap.'"

Michael Lind on Climate Progress

Contributing Editor JERRY SULLIVAN quoted on the Merced Sun-Star

Jerry Sullivan, the editor and publisher of the Los Angeles Garment & Citizen, was correct in assessing Bratton's tenure when he wrote, "The guy works very hard at every aspect of his duties. It's a habit that can touch other lives as a matter of course."

Jerry Sullivan on police chief Bratton

Contributing Editor MIKE HAIS interviews on The American Way of Strategy

"Michael Lind is a Senior Research Fellow and Policy Director of New America's Economic Growth Program. Lind's first three books of political journalism and history, The Next American Nation: The New Nationalism and the Fourth American Revolution; Up From Conservatism: Why the Right Is Wrong for America; and Vietnam: The Necessary War were all selected as New York Times Notable Books."

Mike Hais on his book

Contributing Editor MIKE HAIS at Netroots Nation '09

"On Friday afternoon at Netroots Nation '09, Simon Rosenberg and NDN Fellow Mike Hais hosted the panel "America's Millennial Makeover." You can watch the entire 60 minute session in the video clip below. The video opens with a five minute intro from Simon, followed by Mike's slides and expert analysis about the values, beliefs, culture and trends of the Millennial Generation."

Mike Hais at Netroots Nation '09

Joel Kotkin at on DC, NYC and centralizing power

"We often live under the fallacy that things will always be as they are coupled with the delusion that things have always been as they are. We forget that human history is mostly the story of tyranny, oppression, centralization — totalitarianism. The United States of America has stood athwart history for over two centuries. Our moment can pass… not in an apocalyptic way necessarily, but do we really want to be Sweden or France?"

It Must Increase; But We Must Decrease?

Richard Reep at EMSI blog on Orlando's Tourism Industry

"As Reep outlines, the Central Florida city, among other resort towns, has been blacklisted by the federal government to host meetings and conferences because the government wants to avoid sites that “give the appearance of being lavish or are resort destinations.” A new public-sector emphasis to meet in locales such as Chicago and St. Louis hurts places like Orlando and Las Vegas, but Reep brings up another point..."

Orlando’s Tourism Industry Hurting

Joel Kotkin at Instapundit on DC and the stimulus

"JOEL KOTKIN: Rome vs. Gotham. “Urban politicians have widely embraced the current concentration of power in Washington, but they may soon regret the trend they now so actively champion. The great protean tradition of American urbanism – with scores of competing economic centers – is giving way to a new Romanism, in which all power and decisions devolve down to the imperial core. This is big stuff, perhaps even more important than the health care debate. The consequence could be a loss of local control, weakening the ability of cities to respond to new challenges in the coming decades.”"

Joel at Instapundit

Michael Lind Qutoted on BrothersJudd blog

"Liberalism without labor unions?: Hey Democrats: Can liberal interest groups and social elites really form the basis of a successful political party? (Michael Lind, Aug. 25, 2009, Salon)" I woke up with what?

Michael Lind in BeliefNet on class struggle in politics

"Writing from the left, Michael Lind has some pretty sobering words for his fellow liberals today, in a column asking whether or not liberalism is possible without labor unions. His point is that liberal politics today, unlike the recent past, is primarily a matter of social and cultural elites mobilized around issues that appeal primarily to educated urbanites, who typically have little interest in the economic struggles of the working-class people for whom they presume to speak."

Class struggle in American politics

Joel Kotkin in Patrol Mag on Green Jobs

"EVERYONE IN America wants their town to hit the list of the top five places to live in the U.S.—clean streets, amazing mixed-use housing, and an easy walk to the corner grocery. But the question most developers fail to ask is: “At what cost?”"

Searching for a balanced urban growth model. - By Rebecca Horton - Patrol Magazine