Urban Issues

Telecommuting Wins over Returning to Offices


The most credible estimates say that at least 20 percent of workers will continue to work at home on any given day after the pandemic, up from less than 6 percent before the pandemic. The share of remote workers is likely to be much higher in Silicon Valley, where a lot of workers do jobs that don’t require daily office visits  read more »

Core City Population Losses Detailed


We are living amidst a sea change in demographic trends. According to the Census Bureau, the United States last year experienced its lowest population growth “since the founding of the nation” more than 230 years ago.  read more »

What COVID Hath Wrought


Glenn Ellmers’s analysis of COVID and Trump represents a classic, and effective, account of the situation from the perspective of declining liberty and adherence to traditional values.  read more »

We're Telling the Wrong Story About Race in America


It's been a week since a mentally ill racist murdered 10 people, most of them Black Americans, in a Buffalo supermarket. In the intervening days since this horrific tragedy  read more »

More Evidence That Young Americans Are Not Attracted to Dense Cities


As COVID-19 restrictions lift and cities attempt to stem the population and commercial losses they have sustained over the past two years, many urbanists are still banking that the historic, well-documented trend of young adults flocking to big cities  read more »

Learning From Las Vegas: Academic Taxonomy


I just returned from a trip to Las Vegas. I was ready for a little post pandemic adventure and Vegas is just so easy. It was good to get out into the world again and explore the ever evolving Vegas metroplex.  read more »

Hudson County: New York's Sixth Borough


In some ways, Hudson County, New Jersey shares characteristics of a New York City borough. This is evident in various urban and transportation indicators and their similarities in urban form.  read more »

There’s One Simple Trick for Making America’s Post-Pandemic Cities Great Again


America’s great cities are coming back, albeit slowly, from the shock of the pandemic, and its divisive aftermath. But don’t expect them to fully recover their former status any time soon.  read more »


Car Access in US Major Metropolitan Areas


Motor vehicles (cars, SUVs, and personal trucks) are important to national and metropolitan economies, but also the economy of households.  read more »


America's Two Housing Markets


Imagine that, on top of all our other problems, the United States had a shortage of pickup trucks. While many pickups are purchased for recreational purposes, they also play vital roles in construction, farming, forestry, and other industries.  read more »