
India Passed China in Population Last Year: Data

It has long been expected that China’s population would soon begin declining and India would become the world’s most populated nation.  read more »

The Future of Cities - AEI Event

On October 18, AEI’s Ryan Streeter discussed the changing global urban demographics with a panel of contributors to the forthcoming volume The Future of Cities (AEI, 2023).  read more »

Census Bureau Focuses on Younger Adults Leaving Larger Urban Cores

The Census Bureau has released an ”America Counts: Stories Behind the Numbers” issue entitled: “Fewer Younger Adults Drives Population Loss in Some U.S. Cities.”  read more »


New York Urban Area Map

A commenter on the article (Comparing Urban Densities: Winnipeg and New York) expressed an interest in seeing the extent of the New York urban area.  read more »

Canada, U.S. Cities with Largest CBDs Lost Population

New population estimates by census authorities in Canada (Statistics Canada) and the United States (Bureau of the Census) show that cities (municipalities) with the largest central business districts lost residents in the year ended July 1, 2021.  read more »

43% of Canada’s Employed Worked Majority of Hours at Home: January 2022

Statistics Canada reports that remote work reached a pandemic era recently.  read more »

Feudal Future Podcast: Cities of the Future

On this episode of Feudal Future, hosts Joel Kotkin and Marshall Toplansky are joined by Austin Williams and J.H. Cullum Clark. This episode focuses on the future of cities  read more »

Tentative Work from Home Estimates Based on ACS 2020 Experimental Data

The pandemic has interfered substantially with the annual release of the American Community Survey (ACS). The Census Bureau indicates that “Due to the challenges of fielding a household survey during the COVID-19 pandemic, household nonresponse increased substantially  read more »

Together NYC

populyst is launching a new initiative, together NYC, to crowd-source and to map sentiment across New York City. It is an invitation to users to mark on a map their sentiment at a given location and point in time.  read more »

Feudal Future Podcast — Solutions to Anti-Semitism

On today’s episode of Feudal Future hosts Joel Kotkin and Marshall Toplansky are joined by Susan Seely, chair of Women in Leadership, and Edward Hayman, editor of Tablet, and Rabbi Eliezrie, who serves on the Board of Governors of the Jewish Agency, Chabad’s National Liason to Jewish Federations of North America.  read more »