
Feudal Future Podcast: Navigating South Africa's Political and Economic Changes

What if South Africa could become the next economic powerhouse? In this compelling episode of the Feudal Future Podcast, we’re joined by structural engineer Hügo Krüger and analyst Bheki Mahlobo  read more »

The Truth About Being Jewish and in College

In the summer of 2022, just freshly out of confinement from the coronavirus pandemic  read more »

Gavin Newsom Meets Reality with California’s Budget Deficit

Gavin Newsom, the would–be president many Democrats hope might be an alternative to the current dodderer–in–chief, has landed himself in hot water.  read more »

Chicago is One Kind of Town

The geographical resorting of America continues apace–the separation of peoples based broadly on ideology.  read more »

We Are On the Cusp of a Democrat Class War

The recent sparring between Starbucks’s longtime CEO Howard Schultz and Senator Bernie Sanders reflects a conflict within the Democratic Party  read more »

The Silicon Valley Bank Collapse Will Hurt Joe Biden

The rescue of Silicon Valley Bank and its large depositors has drawn together unlikely bedfellows.  read more »

Feudal Future Podcast: Understanding the Iranian Revolution

On this episode of The Feudal Future, hosts Joel Kotkin and Marshall Toplansky help us understand the Iranian revolution  read more »

Feudal Future Podcast: The Future of Latinos in Politics

On this episode of The Feudal Future, hosts Joel Kotkin and Marshall Toplansky are joined by political demographer, Ruy Teixeira, and author and principal, Soledad Ursua  read more »

Feudal Future Podcast: Newsom Nation - is Gavin Next?

On this episode of Feudal Future, hosts Joel Kotkin and Marshall Toplansky are joined by author Dan Walters and professor Lori Cox Han,  read more »

Feudal Future Podcast: The State of the Economy

On this episode of Feudal Future, hosts Joel Kotkin and Marshall Toplansky are joined by President Emeritus of Chapman University, Jim Doti, to discuss the state of the US economy and the recession.  read more »