
Feudal Future Podcast — Changing Education and the Power of Tech

What if AI could transform the way we learn, making education more engaging and impactful? Join us as we sit down with Ramit Varma, CEO and co-founder of Breakout Learning, to explore this provocative idea.

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US House Gives Small Business the Huggem-Muggem

“In public Congress hugs them, in private they mug them!” So said the late Milt Stewart, one of the architects of the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program in the 1980s and a renowned advocate for America’s small businesses.

I first met Milt in 1992 and eagerly joined forces with him and others from business and government to generate more research opportunities for America’s small businesses – then and now, the most potent force for innovation and job creation on the planet.  read more »

A Bad Business Cycle for the Creative Economy

Here’s a simple question for you…which metro areas did prospered the most during the past business cycle? (2000-2008)  Were the winners the highly-educated communities that make up the Creative Economy?  Or did someone else zoom ahead?  read more »