
The Future of Cities: View from the Left Coast

Save the date! Join us live for a Speaker Panel on Friday January 20,2023 from 11:30AM - 2:30PM PST.  read more »

The Next Australian City: the Suburban Evolution

Australia, much like America, is a nation of suburbs. The overwhelming majority of its people live, work and play in the suburbs  read more »

No Parking Downtown Austin Apartment Building Foreclosure due to Insufficient Demand

According to Urbanize Austin:

“An apartment complex marketed to middle-income downtown workers, especially those interested in reducing or eliminating their personal vehicle use  read more »

Make Housing Affordable by Abolishing Growth Boundaries, not Ending Density Restrictions: Reason Magazine Debate

In too many metropolitan areas, housing is no longer affordable for middle-class households, especially in  read more »

The Future of Cities - AEI Event

On October 18, AEI’s Ryan Streeter discussed the changing global urban demographics with a panel of contributors to the forthcoming volume The Future of Cities (AEI, 2023).  read more »

Court Blocks Minneapolis Single-Family Zoning Abolition

The City of Minneapolis “cannot enforce its controversial long-range plan eliminating single-family zoning  read more »

Feudal Future Podcast: The World After COVID

It’s a new world for sure, but for better or worse — or simply different? What kind of world is being created, and how will it affect developing countries, big cities, suburbs and smaller towns around the world?  read more »

WSDOT Secretary Consults with Political Advocates on Response to WPC Study, Has No Real Dispute With Our Data

In 2019, Washington Policy Center asked national transportation expert Wendell Cox to evaluate transportation planning in the Puget Sound region.  read more »

Urban Containment Policy and Housing Affordability in Ottawa

The city of Ottawa is updating its Official Plan. Under consideration are expanding the urban boundary (urban growth boundary) and strengthening of its intensification (densification)policy. These strategies are components of urban containment policy. This report examines the relationship between urban containment policy and housing affordability  read more »

The Future of Residential and Commercial Real Estate

What is the future of real estate after Covid-19? Please join Richard Florida, Joel Kotkin, Marshall Toplansky and other leading experts to see where the real estate market is going. We will be discussing issues including the future of office space, retail, affordable housing, inner cities, suburbs and small towns.  read more »