
Federal Data Shows, Again, That The Electrify Everything Push Means Higher Energy Costs


Some of America’s richest NGOs are pushing policies that ban the direct use of natural gas in homes and businesses. While they claim the ban on gas is needed to address climate change, these bans will result in dramatic increases in energy costs  read more »


Women, Electrified


Electricity is essential for all human beings. But it is particularly beneficial for women and girls because it frees them from the drudgery of energy poverty. Put short, electricity emancipates women and girls from the pump, the stove, and the washtub.  read more »

Powering the Unplugged


I’m pleased to announce that yesterday, the Alliance For Responsible Citizenship published my new paper on how to bring more electricity to developing countries. It’s called “Powering The Unplugged: Overcoming the Barriers to Electrification in the Developing World.”  read more »


Alarm on Energy


Fifty years ago, in the wake of the Yom Kippur War, the Arab members of OPEC initiated an oil embargo against the United States. The boycott was retribution for America’s support of Israel during its brief war against Egypt and Syria.  read more »

Michael Bloomberg's $1 Billion Assault on the Electrical Grid


Climate-related philanthropy in America has been hijacked by a radical agenda that will hurt the affordability, reliability, and resilience of the U.S. electric grid.  read more »


The Dangerous Delusion of a Global Transition to "Just Electricity"


World leaders continue experiencing a “dangerous delusion” of a global transition to “just electricity” that they believe will eliminate the use of the crude oil  read more »


Wind Blows


The only thing dumber than onshore wind energy is offshore wind energy. The good news for ratepayers, taxpayers, birds, bats, landscapes, viewsheds, and the critically endangered North Atlantic Right Whale, is that both sectors are getting hammered by market forces  read more »

Russia and China Dominating the Race for Nuclear Electricity Generation


As the USA and many world leaders continue the pursuit of “unreliable electricity”, from wind turbines and solar panels, that can only generate intermittent electricity at best from available breezes and sunshine, Russia, China, France, and Finland have emerged as the leaders in nuclear power generation  read more »


Solar Energy is Getting 200 Times More in Federal Subsidies Than Nuclear


If the bank robber, Willie Sutton, were alive today and working in the electric utility sector, he’d surely be a solar energy developer.  read more »


Richards Bay: the Gateway for Africa’s LNG Goldmine


South Africa is one of the few countries that developed from the interior towards the coast, with Gauteng’s prosperity built around mining activity, the steady supply of water from Lesotho, and the availability of energy from the rich coal fields of the Mpumalanga and Limpopo provinces.  read more »
