Washington DC

Good-Bye and Good Riddance to Chevron


The harsh response of left-wing commentators to last week’s Supreme Court reversal of the Chevron decision reveals more about the Left than about the courts.  read more »

The Space Race Gets Serious


We are shifting from the early era of space exploration to a more serious phase extending ever further from Earth’s orbit, focused on key opportunities such as mining and manufacturing as well as military purposes.  read more »

Trudeau, Biden Paying Political Price as the West Turns Against Immigration


U.S. President Joe Biden, in one of his regularly inept utterances, recently castigated Japan and other East Asian countries for being “xenophobic,”  read more »

The Myth of America's Decline


North America may suffer from some of the world’s poorest political leadership. Yet it seems destined to remain the wealthiest, most dominant place on Earth.  read more »

Biden's War on Fossil Fuels is Hurting America


When Joe Biden assumed office in 2021, the progressive press hoped, as the LA Times crowed, that he would “turn America into California again”.  read more »

America is Unprepared to Fight a War on Three Fronts


In our short-attention-span world, we seem to only be able to comprehend one war at a time. But our moment has thrown up conflicts across the globe  read more »

The Road to Autocracy


Ernst Nolte’s Three Faces of Fascism examined the three devastating ideologies that led to the undermining of European democracy in the 1930s. Today, democratic life is also under threat – and there are also three basic forms that this authoritarian threat takes.  read more »

The New Green Feudalism


With the 2024 election looming on the horizon, the Democratic Party faces a contradiction. By some important measures, the US economy is booming—third-quarter GDP growth figures were recently adjusted upward to a whopping 5.2 percent—but these numbers aren’t translating into political support for the current administration.  read more »

Joe Biden Should Listen to Republicans on the Border Crisis


Perhaps no issue has damaged the Biden presidency more than the massive incursions of undocumented migrants across the border.  read more »

Xi Jinping Emerges As the Winner from San Francisco


Xi Jinping should have entered San Francisco’s Apec conference with his tail between his legs, but instead has emerged as something closer to the king of the world.  read more »