
What If Chicago Had Been Awarded the 2016 Olympics? Part 2


Read Part 1

When I asked the “what if” question about Chicago being awarded the 2016 Olympics, it was just prior to the event itself. I noted some possible outcomes of a Chicago Olympics, but eight years beyond that today offers even greater perspective.  read more »

What If Chicago Had Been Awarded the 2016 Olympics? Part I


Five years ago, just prior to the announcement by the IOC of who would host the 2016 Olympics, Chicago's bid was assumed to be in a commanding lead.  read more »


Big Beats Small, New Beats Old


I came across a couple of interesting pieces in the last week that had me thinking about the past, present and future of American cities again. After reading them, I felt somewhat upbeat and validated, but also concerned.  read more »

CSY Opinion Piece In Crain's Chicago Business


(Note: Last week I was fortunate enough to have an opinion piece written by Ed Zotti and myself published in Crain's Chicago Business. It's on the continuing loss of Chicago's Black middle class, at least as defined by its ability to attract Black college graduates. The article is behind a paywall, but as a co-author I took the liberty of posting it here.  read more »

Rethinking the Housing Affordability Crisis, Part 3


Back in 2018, I attended and participated in an event called “Tools Toward Market Restoration”, hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.  read more »

Are the Chicago White Sox Moving to the South Loop?


Does the Chicago White Sox brass read the Corner Side Yard? Don’t know if they do, but they sure seem to be familiar with my work.  read more »


Illinois: Skilled Moving In, Unskilled Moving Out — At a New Loss


Too often, people interpret population numbers at face value and make a determination of a place’s success or failure based on absolute numbers.  read more »

When City Streets Really Are War Zones


In 2020, U.S. cities experienced a 30% increase in homicides relative to 2019, with firearms becoming the leading cause of death for children, adolescents and young adults  read more »

Top Zip Codes for New Apartments: 2018 - 2022

Downtown_Dallas_from_Reunion_Tower.jpg has just published a list of the 51 ZIP Codes in the United States that have had the most apartment construction over the last five years (2018-2022).  read more »

MAGA Attacks on Cities Are Not Working


We’re 13 months away from the 2024 presidential election, and just 3 months away from the primaries. The dominant themes of the election are forming. The Republicans have let it be known that one theme will be the crime, drugs, homelessness, and the general lawlessness of “Democrat-run” cities is a disqualifying factor for Dems, and a point in their favor.  read more »