
Why Would Automakers Threaten AM Radio in Flyover Country?


We have a relationship with AM radio that folks in other parts of the country maybe can’t understand. So our antennae go up when the electric-vehicle revolution begins to eliminate the “amplitude modulation” band from new vehicles  read more »

Vehicle Miles Traveled Gets a Killer Boost


It seems as if anything can be done – truly anything – if it is in the name of safety.  read more »

October Driving Greater Than in 2019


Americans drove 0.6 percent more miles in October 2022 than the same month in 2019, according to data released yesterday by the Federal Highway Administration.  read more »

France Bans Rail Competitors


Supposedly, European high-speed trains are so successful that the airlines stop operating when new high-speed rail corridors open. The reality is much more dismal  read more »

Low Speed Fail


Curiouser and curiouser, said Alice as she grew taller and taller in Wonderland.

Curiouser and curiouser, said everyone paying even the slightest attention as the high-speed rail fantasy grew bigger and more expensive and further behind schedule and more incomprehensible and more ludicrous and now, yes, even possibly taller and taller in California.  read more »

Transit Carries 66.6% of 2019 Riders in September


September 2022 was a booming month for the American transit industry, which carried 66.6 percent as many riders as in September 2019, according to data released yesterday by the Federal Transit Administration.  read more »

Will Amtrak Benefit from Telecommuting?


Airlines carried 94 percent as many passengers in September 2022 as they did in September 2019, according to passenger counts published by the Transportation Security Administration. That’s up from 91 percent in August and 88 percent in September.  read more »

Australian Work Access: Not Yet the New Normal


Around the world, the pandemic produced a strong increase in working at home and a reduction in traveling to work in the last few years. Even as lockdowns have generally been removed or relaxed, the share of the remote work force has greatly increased from previous norms.  read more »

Federal data shows Twin Cities light rail is the most dangerous in America


According to federal data, people who decide to step on light rail in the Twin Cities are at more risk for being injured by an assailant than any other light rail system in America.  read more »

Poverty Level Workers Use Cars in Commuting More than Others


One of the principal justifications of public subsidies for transit has been to provide mobility for those with low incomes. There continues to be a presumption that low-income workers rely principally on transit for getting to work.  read more »