- Economic, demographic, and political commentary about places

Waging War on Modern Agriculture and Global Nutrition


The World Economic Forum says the world faces a new crisis, "One-third of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions come from food production." With the world's population expected to reach 10 billion people by 2050, it is there fore "urgent" that we launch a "radical" and "comprehensive" transformation of the global food system - from "reinventing" farming to "reimagining" how food is produced, processed, distributed, consumed and disposed of.  read more »


Downtowns Don't Matter Anymore


Joseph Lawler’s learned essay on induced demand, looking at the case of highway expansion in Austin, Texas, is fair-minded, but somehow seems more about theory than actual reality. He talks about downtown as if it really mattered all that much. It doesn’t.  read more »

Why Louisiana Was Unwise to Mandate the Ten Commandments in Classrooms


The state of Louisiana just passed a law mandating the the Ten Commandments be put on display in public school classrooms in the state.  read more »


The Puzzle of Generational Politics


Age is a big deal. We saw just how big a deal it is from the deterioration of President Biden evident during the recent debate with Donald Trump. There’s a growing sense that the world is being run by a gerontocracy  read more »

The Baby Recession Continues as Births Drop to Lowest Level in Almost Two Decades


KPMG Australia analysis shows the country is in the midst of a baby recession as births across the country fall by 4.6 per cent year on year.  read more »

The Triumph of Red States


Forget the presidential election. The real contest about the future direction of the country has already taken place, and it’s the red states that are clearly winning.  read more »


Kamala Harris is More Radical on Her Energy Policies than Joe Biden!


Kamala Harris is oblivious to humanity’s addiction to oil as she is to these two basic facts:  read more »


Kamala Harris's California Record Will Haunt Her


A recent Politico article breathlessly reported on Kamala Harris’s enhanced standing as the newly anointed “favourite daughter” of the Bay Area political cabal, led by Nancy Pelosi, powerful Silicon Valley oligarchs, and progressive  read more »

This is the End of the Democratic Party as We Knew It


The end of Joe Biden’s presidency also signals the demise of the old Democratic Party, with its roots in liberal ideals and advocacy for ‘the common man’.  read more »


More on the Flight from Density: Within Major Metropolitan Areas


The new data on net domestic migration between major metropolitan areas (more than 1,000,000 residents) over the last three years (July 2020 to July 2023) shows a strong movement of people away from higher urban densities to lower urban densities.  read more »