- Economic, demographic, and political commentary about places

Don't Buy Kamala Harris's Blue Collar Rhetoric


It appears to be a rule of modern politics that politicians must pander to voters. The latest example of this  read more »


Austin Builds Apartments and Single-Family Houses, Prices Fall


Just a quick note on an encouraging article by James Rodriguez of Business Insider. Rodriguez reports a significant reduction in house prices in Austin, Texas, due to building a large number of single-family homes and apartments. I was unable to discern whether the article dealt with the Austin market (the metropolitan area) or the city (which is a housing submarket). Nor could I tell if his insightful comparison to San Francisco was the housing market (metro) or the city submarket.  read more »

Immigration Has Benefits and Drawbacks


Overall, immigration has both positive and negative effects, something rarely acknowledged by advocates on either side.  read more »

Gasoline Does the Lindy Effect


Last week, I took my 2012 Acura to my longtime auto repair shop, Rising Sun Automotive, for an oil change.  read more »

Sarah Lawrence College’s Answer to Anti-Semitism? Submit a Form and Move On


Last week, the shopping period for my classes at Sarah Lawrence College (SLC) was disrupted on Zoom by a  “Divestment Coalition” of campus groups, including the Sarah Lawrence Socialist Coalition and the Sarah Lawrence Review.  read more »

The Phony Populism of Harris and Trump


In the coming US presidential election, the key battleground lies with the working and middle classes.  read more »


More Solar Silliness in The New York Times


Hyping solar energy is one of America’s most renewable resources. For instance, in 1978, Ralph Nader declared that “everything will be solar in 30 years.”  read more »

The Coming Strangulation of Free Speech


It’s the First Amendment for a reason: free speech is a fundamental prerequisite for liberal democracy.  read more »


The Great Unraveling of the American Experiment


“Ordinary Americans of all backgrounds and convictions recognize that the entire political ecosystem—not only its leadership and its governing institutions, but also its leading ideas and ideals—is failing.”  read more »

The Liberals' Open Immigration Policy Has Failed


For decades, Canada won a deserved reputation as a country with a sensible immigration policy  read more »