- Economic, demographic, and political commentary about places

Globalists are Using Green Energy to Destroy Our Way of Life


In 10 years before the proverbial 2035 date when many mandated transitions to “green electricity” occur to reduce or eliminate the usage of fossil fuels  read more »

Are the Chicago White Sox Moving to the South Loop?


Does the Chicago White Sox brass read the Corner Side Yard? Don’t know if they do, but they sure seem to be familiar with my work.  read more »


Beauty Is Not Just in the Eye of the Beholder


Physical beauty is a big part of what we find attractive in the opposite sex. The degree to which beauty determines how attracted we are does differ  read more »


Elites Want to Ban Gasoline Cars, Gas Stoves


Urban elites are far more likely than other Americans to oppose gasoline powered cars, SUVs of all types, and gas stoves, according to a survey released last week by the Committee to Unleash Prosperity.  read more »

California: Where Freedom Goes to Die


California was once a byword for liberty and opportunity. The so-called Golden State was home first to the Gold Rush, then to Hollywood and then to the tech revolution in Silicon Valley.  read more »

Climate Child Labor – Who Cares?


The ruling class, powerful elite, and the media lack some energy literacy which may be the reasons they avoid conversations about the ugly side of “green” mandates and subsidies.  read more »

Trudeau has Weakened Canada — and by Extension, the Entire Free World


At a time when the western world desperately needs some backbone, Canada seems to be swaying. It appears to have moved away from its long-term commitment to protect our now wobbling western civilization.  read more »


The Electric Grid Explained In 10 Charts


The late German philosopher Martin Heidegger was keen on the “thingness of things.”  read more »


Let America Sprawl


Americans, with little help from government, are reinventing themselves and boosting their prospects by settling in less expensive, less regulated regions where rents and house prices are more affordable.  read more »

I Used to Believe Planning was R&D for City-Building


Frequent readers here may have seen me write about my experience growing up in 1970s Detroit. I’ve often said that seeking ways to improve the city and not abandon it, is what propelled me into a career in urban planning.  read more »