- Economic, demographic, and political commentary about places

A Plan to Resettle America in New Country Towns


I have often thought that if we lived in a society in which anyone, including those of only average or even below average ability, who works hard and plays by the rules could realistically look forward to a rich and fulfilling life, then much of the cultural and racial conflict that is currently dividing our country would simply disappear.  read more »

Adaption Is The Answer


The world is careening toward a climate crisis, and by that we do not mean nasty weather or impending human extinction. The real challenge lies in adapting to a changing climate without undermining an already stressed global order  read more »

The Power of Power Density


In an August 7 article, New York Times columnist Paul Krugman claimed that “technological progress in renewable energy has made it possible to envisage major reductions in emissions at little or no cost in terms of economic growth and living standards.”  read more »


The Death of the Great American City


The King of Wall Street has spoken, but the peasants are not listening. Ever since the end of the lockdowns, JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, like many of his elite counterparts in cities from New York to Seattle, has been calling for the workers to return to their cubicles and daily commutes.  read more »


Gen Z Wants Space


When my Gen Z students graduated a few months ago, I noticed something unusual about their post-baccalaureate plans. For most of my teaching career, many of my students would move to New York City or other large cities to be at the center of the cultural zeitgeist and be connected with others.  read more »

Indian Americans Are Finding Their Political Voice


In a year of depressingly predictable election trends, the rise of biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy represents something of a breakthrough.  read more »


The Future of Appalachia


Appalachia has been a byword for American underdevelopment and dysfunction for over a century.

The region has been the target of many government actions over decades attempting to improve its performance. While some of these have produced results, the region remains an underperformer relative to the rest of the country.  read more »

Richard Bilkszto Won't Be the Last Victim of the Diversity-Industrial Complex


The suicide of former Toronto school principle Richard Bilkszto, 60, was one that many of his associates believe was prompted, at least in part, by vicious attacks  read more »


Land-use Law Kills More Than 100 People in Maui


At the latest count, more than 100 people died in the Maui fire that also burned most of the town of Lahaina.  read more »

Unsold Electric Cars May Be Signaling a Death Spiral for the Auto Industry


With new EV inventories beginning to increase on dealer lots, the auto industry has many challenges such as locating the buyers that may have serious concerns about a wide range of issues related to EVs  read more »
