Transit’s Growth, Decline, and Pending Demise


Who said the following? “The basic objective of our Nation’s transportation system must be to assure the availability of the fast, safe, and economical transportation services needed in a growing and changing economy.  read more »

Planners Plan


It’s in the job title: Planner.

Most government planners — pretty much the transport and housing sectors are what we are discussing today — became planners to meet their personal need to impose order on chaos, to improve society, and, in theory, help everyone even if they need a nudge or two along the way.  read more »

Heavier EVs Tear Up California Roadways But Pay Nothing for Road Maintenance


Can it be true that California, in pursuit of reduced emissions from internal combustion engine vehicles, has mandated that heavier EV cars and trucks tear up the state’s roads? Shockingly, the state has no accompanying mandate on those heavier vehicles to contribute funds to the maintenance and repairs of the roads  read more »


Class of '24


Most political coverage in America revolves around personalities, stratagems, and the cultural issues that appeal to the activist class in both parties. Yet the real determinant in 2024 will not be abortion, “systemic racism,” gender fluidity, or climate change, but deepening class divides.  read more »

The Wealth Gap Survey


How much of a difference does your upbringing make to your life? It’s a question that’s been debated for ages and, in a world with a greater focus on equity, the wealth gap within society is under the microscope.  read more »

Downtown San Francisco is Beyond Redemption


The recent announcement that Ian Jacobs, a scion of the famous Toronto-based Reichmann real estate clan, was coming to buy upwards of $900 million of San Francisco real estate, has offered the beleaguered California city a rare moment of hope.  read more »

The Remote Work Revolution


Although remote work was increasing modestly before the pandemic, we are now enmeshed into what can be fully considered a “remote work revolution.  read more »

Biden's Climate Change Reparations Will Bankrupt America


Perhaps nothing better illustrates the backwards nature of our time than the drive for reparations. This includes not only payment for race discrimination, but also for the impacts of climate change.  read more »


The Dangerous Gender Gap on Collegiate Campuses Today


Politically, men and women are growing farther apart and data is regularly confirming this story. Gen Z men have become more conservative over time, while Gen Z women have become more liberal.  read more »

Unhinged Progressives Are a Gift to Trump


In 1931, the slogan of the German Communist Party became: ‘After Hitler, our turn.’ This kind of wishful thinking is making a comeback in contemporary America.  read more »
