Mandating EVs While Discouraging Mining is a Recipe for Disaster


“A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds,” wrote the American poet Ralph Waldo Emerson. This may prove no problem to the West’s climate-obsessed elites, who rail about the coming apocalypse, even while undermining the production of the very resources that would be essential if they are to have any chance to reach their cherished “net zero” utopia.  read more »

Sen. Marco Rubio's Report on the Working (and Non-Working) Man


For Labor Day, Senator Marco Rubio’s office issued a report on “The State of the Working (and Non-Working) Man.” I thought it was very interesting and wanted to highlight parts of it.  read more »

U.S. Fertility Rates Lowest in History


U.S. fertility rates have fallen to just 1.6 per woman. This has led some to fear that the United States may face the same kind of demographic collapse that is besetting Japan.  read more »


Skate Parks: Appreciating Another Third Place


My young daughter was extremely excited when I pulled up to the large, two-level skate park in Riverhead, New York. I have been taking her brother there for many years and, despite her young age and small size, she wanted to take her scooter to the park.  read more »

More Proof That The Electrify Everything Push Is A Regressive Tax


On December 14, 2022, the Biden administration held “the first-ever White House  Electrification Summit.” The goal of the meeting, which included officials from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, Climate Policy Office, and Office of Clean Energy Innovation and Implementation, along with leaders of various NGOs, including the American Federation of Teachers, Greenlining Ins  read more »

America Keeps Moving to High Opportunity Cities


Americans migrated in massive numbers to large Sun Belt metro areas and fast-growing suburban cities between 2021 and 2022, according to newly released Census data.  read more »

The New Age of Agitprop


Are we living in a new age of agitprop? It is not unusual for journalism, culture and the arts to reflect the political bias of societies and individual writers. But in the past few decades, the business of providing information and insight has sharply deteriorated. Particularly at the elite level, the media now embrace an increasingly uniform point of view on issues as diverse as gender, race, the pandemic and climate.  read more »

Beauty and the Rust Belt


Were Rust Belt cities ever really attractive? Cool? Livable?


Rust Belt cities weren’t built for beauty, they were built for enterprise.  read more »

Baby Boomers' Dwellings Become Impressive "Control Centers" - But Not Ideal For All


Living to a ripe old age has its downsides. After entering their mid-60s and beyond, older people are at greater risk of experiencing various personal setbacks.  read more »

America's Blue States Are Faring Worse Under Joe Biden


Logic may suggest that the parts of America performing well economically would be the first to back the President in office.  read more »