About That Old Gallup Poll


I have alluded many times to the rather astonishing results of an old Gallup poll that I myself commissioned  read more »

The Dangerous Delusion of a Global Transition to "Just Electricity"


World leaders continue experiencing a “dangerous delusion” of a global transition to “just electricity” that they believe will eliminate the use of the crude oil  read more »


A Polycentric Plan for St. Louis


St. Louis has more miles of light rail than any other Midwestern urban area, yet fewer people rode St. Louis transit in 2019 than in 1991, before the region opened its first mile of light rail.  read more »

Implications of Shifts in Commuting


There has been much speculation about how travel behavior has changed in the wake of the COVID pandemic. The answer to that important question is now coming into view.  read more »

Wind Blows


The only thing dumber than onshore wind energy is offshore wind energy. The good news for ratepayers, taxpayers, birds, bats, landscapes, viewsheds, and the critically endangered North Atlantic Right Whale, is that both sectors are getting hammered by market forces  read more »

Imagine no jets, ships, defense, or space program!


Over the last 200 years, when the world populated from 1 to 8 billion, we learned that crude oil is virtually useless unless it’s manufactured (refineries) into oil derivatives  read more »

MAGA Attacks on Cities Are Not Working


We’re 13 months away from the 2024 presidential election, and just 3 months away from the primaries. The dominant themes of the election are forming. The Republicans have let it be known that one theme will be the crime, drugs, homelessness, and the general lawlessness of “Democrat-run” cities is a disqualifying factor for Dems, and a point in their favor.  read more »

By Men For Men


I said I would follow up in more depth on the points I raised in my Wall Street Journal piece about why men turn to online influencers instead of mainstream authorities and institutions.  read more »


Russia and China Dominating the Race for Nuclear Electricity Generation


As the USA and many world leaders continue the pursuit of “unreliable electricity”, from wind turbines and solar panels, that can only generate intermittent electricity at best from available breezes and sunshine, Russia, China, France, and Finland have emerged as the leaders in nuclear power generation  read more »


Preservation Deed Restrictions Can Save Homes and Bring Higher Prices for Sellers


Many think preservation deed restrictions and easements diminish the value of a property. In many cases in Dallas neighborhoods the opposite is true.  read more »