Progressive Biden is a Threat to His Own Party


At a time when the Republican Party seems united around Donald Trump and his MAGA vision, the ruling Democrats seem about to tear themselves into pieces.  read more »


Transit $60 Million in the Hole? Build a Monorail!


In case anyone believes that transit advocates haven’t completely lost their grip on reality, take a look at Memphis. The new CEO of the Memphis Area Transit Authority (MATA) has “discovered” a $60 million deficit in the agency’s budget that “prior leadership was unaware of.”  read more »

Faith and the City


The streets of the South Bronx testify to the decay that has afflicted parts of modern American cities.  read more »


South Africa's (lack of) Progress in Numbers


On May 29th, 2024, South Africa will have its 6th democratic election, commemorating 30 years since the end of Apartheid.  read more »


Environmentalism in America is Dead


Environmentalism in America is dead. It has been replaced by climatism and renewable energy fetishism.  read more »


Progressive Geography's Intellectual Dead End


Americans are familiar with steep political divisions on issues like race, class, and gender. Perhaps less understood, but arguably more definitive, is the widening gap between the cognitive elites concentrated in big cities and the rest of the country.  read more »

March Driving 101.4% of 2019


Americans drove almost 1.5 percent more miles in March of 2024 than in the March before the pandemic  read more »


Trudeau, Biden Paying Political Price as the West Turns Against Immigration


U.S. President Joe Biden, in one of his regularly inept utterances, recently castigated Japan and other East Asian countries for being “xenophobic,”  read more »

Defining Rust Belt Urbanism


Here’s one representation of the Rust Belt. However, just like with definitions of the Midwest overall, people usually identify where they live in the region as the center of it.  read more »

If Trump Wants to Win the Election He Must Reject MAGA Sycophants


The wannabe Trump vice-presidents have made a sad spectacle of themselves, genuflecting in support for their morally deficient leader in what has to be one of the least edifying trials in history.  read more »