2020 US Population Center in Missouri (and Perhaps for the Next Century)


Based on data from the 2020 Census, the mean center of the population in the United States is in the northeast corner of Wright County, Missouri.  read more »


Welcome to the New Era of Environmental Colonialism


There's a new kind of colonialism afoot in rich nations, and much like the old colonialism, this one, too, purports to be for the good of the colonized. Today's colonialists are Left-wing environmentalists exporting their vision of "climate justice" as a way to deal with global inequality.  read more »

CSY Repost – Houston: "Rust Belt, You Have a Problem"


 (I know, I know. I haven't been around much lately. My last post was almost six weeks ago. The reasons for my disappearance? A lot of it is life- and work-related, the way things happen with most everyone. However a huge contributor to this is how recent changes in urbanism discourse have played out, and I wonder if there's room for me anymore.  read more »

The New Global Class War


In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels warned that the ‘spectre’ of class war loomed over a rapidly industrialising capitalist world. Today, the neoliberal world is increasingly haunted by a similar spectre, this time of a global class conflict.  read more »

Which Side are You On? Four Facts and Two Promising Prescriptions for Dampening Inflation


As mine owners and their goons terrorized striking miners and their families during the Harlan County Coal wars in 1931, Florence Reece penned the iconic labor song, “Which Side Are You On.” It pleads for unity and collective resistance. As one verse puts it, “they say in Harlan County there are no neutrals there.”  read more »

Anti-Semitism is Creeping Back into America


Donald Trump’s intimate tête-à-tête with Kayne West and white nationalist and Holocaust-denier Nick Fuentes should have caused a storm among Republicans.  read more »

Will Amtrak Benefit from Telecommuting?


Airlines carried 94 percent as many passengers in September 2022 as they did in September 2019, according to passenger counts published by the Transportation Security Administration. That’s up from 91 percent in August and 88 percent in September.  read more »

Australian Work Access: Not Yet the New Normal


Around the world, the pandemic produced a strong increase in working at home and a reduction in traveling to work in the last few years. Even as lockdowns have generally been removed or relaxed, the share of the remote work force has greatly increased from previous norms.  read more »

Friends of the Urban Forest


Cities are better when there’s a generous tree canopy. Vegetation keeps the city cooler in summer, trees help clean the air, absorb noise, and beautify the landscape. Properties on tree lined streets are often more desirable and statistically more valuable than those in barren neighborhoods.  read more »

Federal data shows Twin Cities light rail is the most dangerous in America


According to federal data, people who decide to step on light rail in the Twin Cities are at more risk for being injured by an assailant than any other light rail system in America.  read more »