Urban Issues

Los Angeles County Proposes Job Creation Ban


Los Angeles County, the nation’s most populous, with 10 million residents according to the 2020 census, is proposing what could effectively ban job creation the unincorporated areas, where the County Board of Supervisors functions as a city council. More than one million people live in these areas  read more »

The Urban Doom Loop and Experiential Advantage


Let’s talk about the “urban doom loop”.

There were quite a few pundits who believed that the Covid pandemic would be the catalyst for a profound transformation of cities.  read more »

America's Sanctuary Cities Are Falling Apart


If it were not so tragic, it would be funny. For years the progressive Left — in the US as well as across the West — has boasted about its willingness to accept people even if they have arrived in America illegally.  read more »

Whatever Happened to the Great West Coast Cities?


As recently as the early Nineties, when the great cities of the Midwest and East Coast were careening toward what seemed like an inevitable downturn, the urban agglomerations along the Pacific coast offered a demonstrably brighter urban future. From San Diego to the Puget Sound, urban centers along America’s western edge continued to thrive  read more »

Beauty and the Rust Belt


Were Rust Belt cities ever really attractive? Cool? Livable?


Rust Belt cities weren’t built for beauty, they were built for enterprise.  read more »

Comparing Canadian and U.S. Metropolitan Areas


Canada and the United States are among a minority of national governments that formally designate metropolitan areas. Metropolitan areas are labor and housing markets which include a core urban area (built up or developed area) as well as rural territory  read more »

A Plan to Resettle America in New Country Towns


I have often thought that if we lived in a society in which anyone, including those of only average or even below average ability, who works hard and plays by the rules could realistically look forward to a rich and fulfilling life, then much of the cultural and racial conflict that is currently dividing our country would simply disappear.  read more »

Adaption Is The Answer


The world is careening toward a climate crisis, and by that we do not mean nasty weather or impending human extinction. The real challenge lies in adapting to a changing climate without undermining an already stressed global order  read more »

The Death of the Great American City


The King of Wall Street has spoken, but the peasants are not listening. Ever since the end of the lockdowns, JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, like many of his elite counterparts in cities from New York to Seattle, has been calling for the workers to return to their cubicles and daily commutes.  read more »
