Urban Issues

Next Up for Suburban Urbanism


Suburban urbanism is making another cameo appearance.

As most followers of cities know, the lack of housing affordability in large cities, combined with the impact of the rising work-from-home phenomenon since the start of the Covid pandemic, has provided a powerful one-two punch to cities  read more »

Remote and Hybrid Work Continues Appeal in the US and Canada


Despite the continuing pressure from employers for employees to work on-site, working from home continues at a strong pace. Just released data from WFH Research indicates that 41.3% of US workers worked at home at least part of the time between March and June 2023.  read more »

Urban Sprawl, the Environmentally Friendly Answer to Expensive Housing


From the dawn of the colonial era, Canada, the U.S., and Australia thrived by providing what the landless have always sought. In the vast expanses of these countries  read more »

Enabling Trade-Offs: Internal Migration And Australia’s Housing Opportunity


Beyond the cacophony currently surrounding the highly combustible subject of overseas migration, there is an evolving sub-plot in which the narrative reveals a less substantial, but meaningful migratory phenomenon. Understanding it is critical if we are serious about addressing Australia's worsening housing woes.  read more »

Kill Off the Old City So New Cities Can Be Born


After decades of self-celebration and relentless media hype, the great “urban renaissance” predicted by the New Urbanists—a vision of cities built by and for the creative class—has come crashing down.  read more »

What America's Urban Exodus Means for San Francisco


Over the past few weeks, seemingly endless stories have detailed San Francisco’s continuing troubles, with its retail core collapse and high office vacancy rates being the latest areas of serious attention.  read more »

Next Up for Suburban Urbanism


Suburban urbanism is making another cameo appearance.

As most followers of cities know, the lack of housing affordability in large cities, combined with the impact of the rising work-from-home phenomenon since the start of the Covid pandemic, has provided a powerful one-two punch to cities  read more »

If It’s “Livable,” You Can’t Afford It


North America’s most livable cities are also among the least affordable. At least, that’s my conclusion from the Economist‘s 2023  read more »

YIMBYs Are Useful Idiots of the Development Lobby


Last month, Katie Roberts-Hull from YIMBY Melbourne posted an article in The Guardian complaining that heritage laws are thwarting housing supply.  read more »

We Can’t Talk About Fixing Loneliness without Talking About Neighborhoods


After the US Surgeon General Advisory raised the alarm over the “devastating impact of the epidemic of loneliness and isolation in the United States,” the Washington Post jumped into the discussion of loneliness with a highly recirculated  read more »
