Urban Issues

Solving the Global Housing Crisis


The global housing crisis across the high-income world, particularly in the Anglosphere, represents perhaps the single biggest challenge to the future of the middle class.  read more »

Entitled Transit Stooges Blackmail for BART


“We are not asking, we are demanding that Governor Newsom allocate $5 billion to public transit,” said Brett Vertocci, a protestor who was blocking rush-hour traffic  read more »

Housing Report: Blame Ourselves, Not Our Stars


No issue plagues Californians more than the high cost of housing. By almost every metric—from rents to home prices—Golden State residents suffer the highest burden for shelter of any state in the continental U.S.  read more »

Slowmadding CDMX


One of my oldest friends from my youth moved to Mexico City after she finished university. I would visit her and we’d have adventures together. On one trip her mom was also visiting from Spain and we explored all the amazing spots in the region.  read more »

Democracy Does Not Die With Dispersion


With the COVID-19 pandemic declared over, a significant question for politicians, planners, and pundits alike is what to do with city centers and old urban cores after the pandemic pushed many Americans to move away from dense urban areas.  read more »

Cities of the West: An American Success Story, Part 2


Part one of this essay showed how the political tradition of Alexander Hamilton, Henry Clay, and Abraham Lincoln gave rise to the successful spread of American civilization  read more »

The Once Lucky Country: Can It Be Again?


An introduction to this newly released report on demographics and economic mobility in Australia, prepared in collaboration with the Institute of Public Affairs, is  read more »

Cities of the West: An American Success Story


America’s western cities are booming. The major metropolitan areas of the West  read more »

We Can't Address Affordability By Building More Apartments


One of the (many) furphies that gets aired (frequently) in discussions around housing affordability is that we can build ourselves out of the problem by building a lot more high–density housing  read more »

By Failing to Promote Safety, America’s Older Cities are Failing to Build Community


It seems that a day hardly goes by without another incident of violence making the national news. From school shootings to aggressive protests from extreme groups and endless petty crime in general  read more »