I was born in 1970.
I moved to Nashua, New Hampshire for the 2nd grade.
My favorite book dealing with leadership and management is Executive Qualities by
Joseph M. Fox.
Just because you are alive today does not mean you will be alive tomorrow. A friend of mine died because of a drunk driver in 1980 when I was 10 years old.
I recommend many websites on this profile that may save you a lot of money.
I also recommend many websites that may help you improve your finances.
I hope you will consider telling people about this profile and my website. I hope you will consider improving many of the solutions I discuss on this profile and on my website.
My main website is http://www.myspace.com/kennethstremsky. It has my picture. I have 6 humorous columns on the website. The first of the 6 columns makes fun of me and it discusses what might take place if I am President of the United States of America. It contains geography humor.
I posted humor, product recommendations, and other things on http://sites.google.com/site/kenstremsky/. I started writing GLOBAL THINKING EXPANDED on March 2, 2009. I added sky is falling humor on February 22, 2009. I added things to say when you are bored on February 28, 2009. Comedic relief is necessary if you want to think logically and strategically. The more you panic the worse decisions you may make. I hope my humor benefits you.
I highly recommend people check out http://www.poorandstupid.com that discusses the financial crisis and economics in an interesting way.
I recommend people read
"Economic crisis 'is as bad as they come'" by Carolyn Lochhead
"Tough Times in Troubled Towns
America's Municipal Meltdowns" by Nick Turse
"After the Green Economy, Green Security
How to Build Resilient Communities in a Chaotic World" by Chris Ward
I highly recommend people read
"Join Me On a Mission" by Christopher Thompson.
http://catch22solutions.typepad.com/catch_22_solutions_blog/2009/02/join.... I agree with Christopher Thompson about not allowing negativity harm your ability to be successful. Our country and the human race have had far worse things to deal with. The more hopeful people are the more solutions they may be able to come up with. The more hopeful people are the better they may be able to make things over time. The more hopeful people are the more money they may be able to make for themselves and others. I am hopeful. I hope you will be hopeful.
It is NOT about government revenues.
IT IS ABOUT JOBS IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR. People who have jobs in the private sector are able to make mortgage payments, reduce their debts, buy things, and pay taxes to state governments and the federal government. If businesses think things are going to get better over time, they may be less likely to fire people and be more likely to hire people.
I discuss many different solutions for dealing with the financial crisis and some other future problems on this profile. If people had been better educated in economics and other issues and voted for better people, we would have fewer problems now. I discuss economics and human nature a lot on this profile. If you read John Locke, you might obtain more benefits from what I have written. Enjoy each day of your life some because today may be your last day on our planet. I learned this lesson well in 1980 after a friend of mine was murdered by a drunk driver when I was 10 years old. I recommend you live your life according to most of the poem If by Kipling because if you do you might enjoy your life almost as much as I enjoy my life. I recommend you read George Washington's Farewell Address and when he discusses foreign nations - think friends and enemies. Lead and do not expect others to follow. Do not care.
Two websites dealing with selling I highly recommend are http://www.gitomer.com and http://www.catch22solutions.com. http://www.gitomer.com has my favorite free sales newsletter. http://www.catch22solutions.com has an archive of articles dealing with selling by Christopher Thompson that have been in the Union Leader.
I hope people will read THE ART OF WAR by Sun Tzu. If they do, they may think more logically.
I added fines to my New Hampshire section on February 15, 2009. I discuss Individual Liberty and logic. I came up with an interesting way for New Hampshire to raise significant revenues from casinos on February 16, 2009. When I first came up with the idea, I laughed a lot.
I added an ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION section after New Hampshire on February 22, 2009. I added a discussion of the minimum wage before United States of Africa on March 1, 2009.
Someday, we might want there to be 870 Representatives to the United States House of Representatives. I do not think this is going to take place within the next 10 years.
Someday, we might want to pass an Amendment to the United States Constitution that has the Census being done every 5 years.
If businesses are having a hard time obtaining capital, governments need to increase the odds businesses will be able to obtain capital. If governments reduce taxation of savings and investments, people and businesses are more likely to save and invest. If the corporate tax rate is reduced, many people and businesses may be more likely to invest.
The stupidest thing to do in a financial crisis like we are experiencing now is to increase the capital gains tax and the corporate tax rate or threaten to do so because this increases the probability of capital flight. The more capital flight that takes place the harder it may be small businesses and other businesses to stay in business. Threatening to increase the capital gains tax and the corporate tax rate during a financial crisis may cause more jobs to be lost in the private sector than any jobs the government creates via government spending. Government spending during a financial crisis may be far more successful if the capital gains tax and the corporate tax rate are reduced. I discuss several sales taxes on the wealthy and others.
Our national debt was less than 1 trillion dollars on January 20, 1981. It took us more than 180 years to accumulate that debt. Our national debt is now more than 10 trillion dollars. To reduce the national debt, our country needs to increase sales taxes on the wealthy and others, have sales taxes again that our country has not had for a while, and may need to have sales taxes our country has not had before. Do you care if the money you have now is worth a lot less in the future?
People may want to support getting rid of the penny and the nickel. This might save the government many millions of dollars.
"Congress eyes steel pennies, nickels as cost - saving move" by Laurie Kellman of The Associated Press http://www.usatoday.com/money/2008-05-06-steel-pennies_N.htm
People should think about how much money they want our country to spend defending Europe. You may want to do a search dealing with US cost for defending Europe. You may want to do a search on how much South Korea and Japan pay the United States of America to defend them. You may want to do a search on how much foreign military bases cost our country. People should think about how many military bases they want our country to have in our country and how many military bases they want our country to have in foreign countries. Someday, I would like our country to have another Air Force Academy, another Army Academy, and another Naval Academy that would contain another Coast Guard Academy in our country. I discuss why I would like our country to have a Military Trainers Division on the education, energy, military issues blog entry on http://www.myspace.com/kennethstremsky. The blog entry contains military humor I wrote.
I recommend people read
"Atyant Capital Newsletter Issue 30, February 13th, 2009" by
Vedant Mimani
Managing Director, Atyant Capital Management Ltd
It discusses the United States of America and India. India may be one of the best countries to invest in during the next 50 years.
You may read old issues of the newsletter at
If you want to see the world as it is, I recommend you read some publications that are not based on the perspective of the United States of America. I read some US publications and some foreign publications.
GLOBAL THINKING is at the bottom of my newgeography.com profile.
I graduated from the University of New Hampshire in 1992 with a BA Degree in Political Science and a minor in Economics in 1992. I took geography courses in college which were awesome.
I ran for United States Senate from New Hampshire in 2002 in the Republican primary. I discussed the SEC and my dislike for former President Bush and parts of the Republican party platform on The Green Papers at http://www.thegreenpapers.com/Vox/?20020721-0. I have discussed Individual Liberty, national security, and other topics on other Vox Populis to The Green Papers.
Our Republic is the greatest Republic in history and people are lucky to live here. Our country has had to deal with a lot worse problems in the past. It took many decades to cause our problems. It may take many years to solve many of our problems. People should NOT expect immediate results. Long term, I am hopeful.
We need to be worried about high unemployment. We need to be worried about high inflation. We may have significant deflation before high inflation. People should not be surprised if we get Stagflation within the next few years. People should not expect immediate positive results dealing with the economy from government decisions. Sometimes, government decisions take a long time to produce positive results dealing with the economy.
Pension funds that invest in US companies need to think like very smart investors. Pension funds need to care about increasing the amount of money they obtain from dividends and capital gains. If pension funds do badly, many government employees may be harmed. If taxes are decreased on businesses, many businesses may increase their dividends and increase in value over time which benefits pension funds that obtain dividends and capital gains. It makes more sense to increase sales taxes on wealthy people. Pension funds need to be concerned about capital flight from US companies they invest in. The fewer people investing in US companies that pension funds own the more harm that may be done to government employees.
What does a nation need to do to stay prosperous?
What does a poor nation need to do to become prosperous?
What do we need to do to reduce the national debt?
Do you realize that if the national debt keeps soaring future generations may be significantly harmed?
What should we do to reduce the probability of hyperinflation?
Do you care about the value of our currency?
Do you realize how much harm has been caused by hyperinflation in other countries?
How may we encourage savings and investments?
How may we get the federal government to cause less harm to state governments and local governments?
How may we help state governments and local governments fund their operations?
How may we improve our manufacturing base?
How may we reduce our need for foreign oil?
How may we improve k-12 education, college educations, and graduate school educations?
If you do not like to think, you should stop reading.
If you allow other people to think for you, you should stop reading.
If you like being ignorant and stupid, you should stop reading.
Do I think I will ever win elective office? No
Would I rather watch ducks than discuss politics? Yes
Would I be happy if political parties ceased to exist? Yes
The more businesses that fire people the more businesses that may fire people.
"The Joys of Hyperinflation" by Gary Gibson
If you care about you and your families, you should want to reduce the probability of hyperinflation. Congress may want to back our currency with gold, silver, and many other valuable commodities. Our currency should NOT just be backed by gold and silver. The more valuable commodities our currency is backed with the better. Congress may want to eliminate the Federal Reserve or veto many of its decisions. People may want to support an Amendment to the United States Constitution that allows state governments to "coin Money" - make gold coins and silver coins. State governments may be better able to fund their operations. State governments may try to find more gold and silver in our country and other countries.
I hope people will check out http://www.dmcrecycling.com which deals with recycling dealing with electronics. We need to better use our nation's resources. Hopefully, our country will be better able to make use of existing trash and future trash.
If the highest federal corporate tax rate is NOT greater than 15 percent, many businesses may hire more people, increase wages of many people, buy more products and services from other businesses, and increase dividends. Many people might obtain more money from capital gains. Pension funds of government employees may do a lot better. Many large businesses may buy more products and services from small businesses which may increase employment in small businesses. Many businesses may have an easier time obtaining loans and investments for hiring workers. More innovation and manufacturing may take place in our country. There may be less need for food stamps and Medicaid.
I recommend people read
"Government Spending Is No Free Lunch
Now the Democrats are peddling voodoo economics." by Professor Robert J. Barro
Do people want to reduce unemployment in our country?
I think it makes sense for the federal government and many state governments to loan money to manufacturing companies and other companies. I think it makes sense for the federal government and many state governments to buy stock in manufacturing companies and other companies.
The federal government might not want to have individuals and businesses pay the social security tax for the next 2 years on wages below $30,000 a year. This may give many people more money to spend and help them reduce their debts. This may help many businesses have more money to spend, reduce their debts, and increase the probability that they will stay in business. Many businesses might fire fewer workers. Many small businesses might hire more workers. If unemployment significantly increases, many more people will not be paying money into Social Security and Medicare. If unemployment significantly increases, the need for food stamps and Medicaid may increase.
I think it makes sense to have the social security tax placed on all wages a person makes in a year above $30,000. If this is done, businesses should NOT have to match employee contributions above $100,000 a year. The problem with businesses contributing to social security is it may lead to higher unemployment, lower wages, and more inflation.
If the federal government decides that businesses do not have to pay the social security tax any more, many businesses may fire fewer workers, hire more workers, increase pay of many workers, and increase dividends.
I discuss many different ways of funding Social Security and Medicare on different parts of my website http://www.myspace.com/kennethstremsky. I mention a national sales tax, selling federal government owned land, a higher gasoline tax, and other things.
Social Security might want to buy gold, silver, and other commodities. Social Security might want to buy stock in many small companies in many countries.
I highly recommend people read
What You Need to Know about America's Economic Future by Laurence J. Kotlikoff and Scott Burns. The book has many ideas dealing with Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid I hope our elected leaders and voters will think about.
Congress may require executives of companies who have received TARP funds to discuss how they are using TARP funds every 2 weeks on television. They may be more interested in loaning money to avoid television coverage. If a business uses TARP funds, it should expect strings to be attached. Killing a goose that makes golden eggs is not a good idea. Congress needs to make exceptions dealing with pay and bonuses. The federal government does NOT want the best employees leaving companies that have received TARP funds because the federal government may be left with many financial companies that are basically empty shells. Top employees are able to work in Hong Kong and other places. Members of Congress should read bills or have people read the bills to them before they vote on them.
Congress should make it easier for shareholders to increase their dividends. Congress needs to make it easier for shareholders to fire executives and boards of directors. Congress needs to make it easier for shareholders to reduce employee pay and eliminate bonuses. Congress needs to make it easier for shareholders to get back executive pay and bonuses already paid out when they were based on numbers that were not accurate and/or fraud.
The more faith people have in their leaders and the less faith they have in themselves the less Individual Liberty, freedoms, and wealth they are likely to have. People should not trust any person 100 percent. This is especially true when dealing with government leaders. A person should not trust the person's self 100 percent. I do not trust myself or anybody else 100 percent.
I hope people will read "Free Trade Ideology And The Constitution" by Michael Doliner located at http://www.swans.com/library/art10/mdolin04.html
I hope people will read "How Wall Street Can Bail Itself Out Without Destroying The Dollar" by Thom Hartmann is located at http://www.opednews.com/articles/How-Wall-Street-Can-Bail-I-by-Thom-Hart...
He writes "For us, this Securities Turnover Excise Tax (STET) was a revenue source. For example, if we were to instate a .25 percent STET (tax) on every stock, swap, derivative, or other trade today, it would produce - in its first year - around $150 billion in revenue. Wall Street would be generating the money to fund its own bailout. (For comparison, as best as I can determine, the UK's STET is .25 percent, and Taiwan just dropped theirs from .60 to .30 percent."
I think a Securities Turnover Excise Tax "on every stock, swap, derivative, or other trade" of .25 percent makes sense. Some of the money obtained from the Securities Turnover Excise Tax should be used to help fund Social Security, Medicare, k-12 educations, and college educations. A portion of the Securities Turnover Excise Tax should go to state governments. Some of the money could be used for infrastructure.
I hope people will read
"A $545 Billion Private Stimulus Plan
Let's bring home foreign earnings without tax penalty." by Allen Sinai which is located at http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123310439653922291.html. I agree with Allen Sinai. I think it makes sense to "bring home foreign earnings without tax penalty." I do NOT think it makes sense to ever tax "foreign subsidiary earnings" of US companies. We need to encourage US companies to invest more in our country. The more money invested in our country by companies the faster economic growth may be and the lower unemployment may be. A faster growing economy may help the federal government and state governments obtain more money from sales taxes. A faster growing economy may benefit Social Security and Medicare. Many companies might increase their dividends. Pension funds that own stock in US companies may obtain more dividends and capital gains.
If capital gains taxes are increased, expect Americans and foreigners to invest less money in the United States of America. Many Americans and foreigners may sell stock in US companies and invest the money in other countries which may harm pension funds that own stock in US companies. Government employees who have pension funds need to realize how much HARM may be done to them by an increase in capital gains taxes and an increase in income taxes. The higher taxes are on businesses the less likely that Americans and foreigners will invest in US companies. It makes more sense to increase sales taxes on wealthy people.
Congress should have learned from the Savings and Loans Crisis and regulated properly. Congress should have required down payments on homes and fixed rate mortgages. Allowing mortgage backed securities to be sold based on no money down mortgages was nuts. Some regulation is necessary because businesses often do NOT care about clean water, clean air, safe food, safe toys, safe working conditions, and reasonable wages.
The less the federal government taxes individuals and businesses the higher the taxes that state governments may have on individuals and businesses. State governments I think often spend money more wisely than the federal government and often provide services better than the federal government.
Businesses need capital to stay in business. This is especially true for small businesses. The federal government should stop taxing interest from savings accounts, dividends, capital gains, and estates. Businesses especially small businesses may have an easier time obtaining loans and investments for hiring workers, research and development, and plant and equipment. Many middle class people, union members, and government employees who have mutual funds would benefit from capital gains and dividends not being taxed. Wealthy people and others may be more likely to donate money to homeless shelters, soup kitchens, and food pantries.
Where do people think capital comes from? Do people want to reduce our need to obtain capital from China and other countries? Many people obtain capital from working, gifts, loans, and investments. Allowing businesses to keep more of their capital by not taxing interest from savings accounts and dividends may make it easier for them to expand. This may decrease the need for loans and the selling of stock. Many businesses have just the business owner. Many businesses have less than 10 employees. If a business owner who is the only employee of a business is able to save enough money over time, the business owner may be able to hire additional employees and buy more plant and equipment.
The more businesses that get started the more innovations that may take place. Many people fail at running businesses many times before becoming successful. Many people may want to spend a lot of time in libraries reading about failures in business and successes in business before starting a business. A writer on another website discussed the benefits of a mentor before starting a business. There are many great websites dealing with business. I like http://www.inc.com, http://www.entrepreneur.com, and others. My favorite free sales newsletter comes from http://www.gitomer.com.
If capital gains are not taxed, many middle class people and others may be more likely to invest in our companies which may create jobs in our country. I am trying to keep people employed. I am trying to make it easier for people to save money to start businesses, save for college tuitions, and save for retirements. I am trying to increase the probability that wealthy people will invest money in our country instead of countries that tax capital less.
I would like state governments to stop taxing interest from savings accounts, dividends, capital gains, and estates.
It is better for the federal government and state governments to tax different types of consumption than to tax estates, savings, and investments. The federal government and state governments may want to increase some of their consumption taxes. Sales taxes are paid by wealthy people, middle class people, and poor people.
The federal government and state governments should stop taxing estates. Estate taxes discourage work, job creation, savings, and investments. Why work as hard as you are able to if your children and grandchildren are going to be punished? Why create jobs? Why innovate? Why take significant risks?
Businesses need capital to develop technologies that help solar panels on homes and businesses obtain more energy from the sun. Businesses need capital to develop technologies that increase drinking water supplies from the oceans and rain water. Businesses need capital to develop technologies that help us obtain more energy from wind, geothermal, and ocean waves. Businesses need capital to increase farm yields where growing crops is now hard to do in ways that do not harm the environment. Businesses need capital to develop technologies that will increase energy storage in small energy storage devices and energy storage in very big energy storage devices.
The less underground an economy is the more money that governments may be able to obtain from sales taxes and income taxes.
"Hiding in the Shadows
The Growth of the Underground Economy" by Friedrich Schneider and Dominik Enste is located at http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/issues/issues30/index.htm
"The Economics of Developing Nations and the Global Financial Crisis" by Vikas Shah is located at http://thoughteconomics.blogspot.com/2008/12/economics-of-developing-nat...
We can and we should improve and increase our manufacturing base over time. Our manufacturing base is important if we want to help poor people move into the middle class over time and help people who are middle class now stay middle class. Our manufacturing base is important to our national security, economic growth, and our ability to reduce the national debt over time.
I hope people will read former Senator Fritz Hollings "Sobering Up" located at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/sen-ernest-frederick-hollings/sobering-up_.... He mentions a VAT and other things. He wrote "In the meantime, we can rebuild our economy by levying a 10% surcharge on all imports as President Nixon did successfully in 1971." His website is http://www.citizensforacompetitiveamerica.com
A portion of the "10% surcharge on all imports" that former Senator Fritz Hollings recommends should be used to help fund Social Security, Medicare, k-12 educations, and college educations. Some of the money raised from the surcharge could be used for infrastructure. A portion of the "10% surcharge on all imports" should go to state governments. If other countries decide to have a 20% or more surcharge on all imports, our country should NOT have a surcharge on all imports greater than 10%. Businesses that make products in our country may produce less air pollution, water pollution, and land pollution on our planet than businesses that make products in China. The greater the distance an item travels from place of production to final destination the more water pollution and other types of pollution that may take place.
I hope people will check out ECONOMY IN CRISIS http://www.economyincrisis.org. It discusses manufacturing and other topics.
We did very well after World War 2 in large part because Germany's manufacturing economy and Japan's manufacturing economy had been destroyed by World War 2 and took time to recover. If you are going to discuss our economy after World War 2, you need to keep this in mind.
The more governments tax people the less hard they work, the fewer jobs they create, the less they innovate, and the less they save and invest. This is human nature. A great deal of innovation has taken place since January 20, 1981. Our national debt was less than 1 trillion dollars on January 20, 1981. Our national debt is now more than 10 trillion dollars.
Congress may want to pass a 2 percent national sales tax that is placed on most items other than food, shelter, health care, and education. If a national sales tax is adopted, the federal income tax on individuals and businesses should be reduced. Some of the money from a national sales tax should be used to help fund Social Security, Medicare, infrastructure, k-12 educations, and college educations. Some of the money raised should go to state governments. A national sales tax would tax some of the money being earned in our underground economy by illegal immigrants and others.
The federal government might want to have a 5 percent sales tax on donuts, ice creams, candies, sodas, cakes, pies, chips, and pretzels. Some of the money should be used to help fund infrastructure, education, Medicaid, food stamps, Social Security, and Medicare.
The federal government might want to have a 5 percent sales tax on television advertising and internet advertising. Some of the money should be used to help fund infrastructure and education.
The federal government might want to have a 5 percent sales tax on bottled water, paper cups, paper plates, and golf. Miniature golf should NOT be taxed. Some of the money should go to job training programs for people who belong to families who make more than $20,000 a year.
The federal government might want to have a 5 percent sales tax on luxury clothing, luxury watches, luxury jewelry, and luxury furs. Some of the money should be used to help fund infrastructure and education. Some of the money should be used for programs that teach adults to learn to read and write in English. Some of the money should be used to teach adults foreign languages. Some of the money should be used for job training programs for people who belong to families who make more than $7,000 a year.
A luxury tax on luxury boats, luxury cars, and luxury planes may be a very bad idea because a luxury tax on these items could cause many people who make luxury boats, luxury cars, and luxury planes to lose their jobs.
I highly recommend people read
"What Is Luxury?" by Raju Peddada at
http://www.swans.com/library/art15/rajup07.html. It is one of the most intelligent columns I have ever read. The most valuable commodity is time. Just because you are alive today does not mean you will be alive tomorrow. I learned this lesson well in 1980 when I was 10 years old after a friend of mine was murdered by a drunk driver. Saving a life is hard. Taking a life is easy. I have known since I was a young child that I could die on any given day because of an asthma attack. A person can fall down a flight of stairs and die. A person can slip in the shower and die. A person may choke to death on a hot dog. A person may be killed by an idiot who drives while talking on a cell phone. Enjoy today some and do other things some because today may be your last day on our planet. Know what you are willing to fight for. Know what you are not willing to fight for. Know what you are willing to fight against.
I recommend people read
"National Priorities In The Economic And Digital Divide" by Jan Baughman
If the highest federal corporate tax rate is NOT greater than 15 percent, many businesses may hire more people, increase wages of many people, and increase dividends. Many people might obtain more money from capital gains. Pension funds of government employees may do a lot better. Many businesses may have an easier time obtaining loans and investments for hiring workers, research and development, and plant and equipment. More innovation and manufacturing may take place in our country. There may be less need for food stamps and Medicaid.
Someday, we might NOT want there to be a federal corporate tax rate on businesses. Many more jobs might be created. Many state governments might be better able to increase their taxes. Businesses would still pay federal sales taxes.
I recommend people read
"Beware the Value-Added Tax" by Daniel J. Mitchell, Ph.D.
I think a Value-Added Tax would be a lousy idea. I want people to KNOW the taxes they are paying.
"The Hong Kong Tax System
-Key features and lessons for Policy Makers" by Professor Michael Littlewood
If the highest federal income tax rate on individuals is NOT greater than 15 percent, many more individuals may be willing to start businesses and employ people. Many people may be more creative and produce more innovations. Many state governments might be able to increase their income taxes if the highest federal income tax rate is not greater than 15 percent. It is about jobs in the private sector. If wealthy people have many more incentives to create more wealth, more jobs may be created over time. More consumption may take place by middle class people and wealthy people which may help create jobs. State governments may obtain more money from sales taxes.
I highly recommend people read
"The Long Arm of the Lawless" by Fred Burton and Scott Stewart
"Obama Has the Chance To Be Another FDR -- He Can End the Era of Marijuana Prohibition" by Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman located at http://www.alternet.org/drugreporter/120365
The United States of America, Mexico, and many other countries should legalize, regulate, and tax the sale of marijuana, heroin, and cocaine for people who are at least 18 years old. If the United States of America and Mexico legalize, regulate, and tax the sale of marijuana, heroin, and cocaine for people who are at least 18 years old, they may be able to spend less money dealing with violent Mexican drug gangs. If Mexico is able to spend less money dealing with violent drug gangs, Mexico may be able to spend more money on its economy. If Mexico's economy grows a lot, fewer illegal immigrants may come to the United States of America, many illegal immigrants may leave the United States of America, and many more Mexicans may be able to buy products and services from the United States of America. Many poor people may have an easier time obtaining jobs if they do not have to compete against so many illegal immigrants. Most non violent drug offenders should be released from prison. If state governments are able to spend less money fighting violent drug gangs, dealing with illegal immigrants who are a major expense for them, and non violent drug offenders, they may be able to spend more money providing services to their citizens and reduce sales taxes. Would you rather our country spend money jailing non violent drug offenders or would you rather our country spend the money improving k-12 education and other things? Do you want to reduce the probability that the types of problems Mexico is having with violent Mexican drug gangs will happen in the United States of America? Do you want to reduce the probability that children will die because of fights over drug territory? Do you want to reduce the probability that police officers will die because of drugs?
Many states may benefit a lot from growing hemp and using the hemp to make papers, clothing, sneakers, ropes, parachutes, and other products. Our country may be able to reduce many agricultural subsidies if farmers are allowed to grow hemp.
I hope people will read
"Drug Gangs Have Mexico on the Ropes
Law enforcement south of the border is badly outgunned." by Mary Anastasia O'Grady at http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123292962031814007.html
I hope people will read
"Failed State in Our Own Backyard?" located at http://www.economicroadmap.com/2008/11/failed-state-in-our-backyard.html
"Mexican drug wars worry some Americans
Experts say violence is becoming one of the world's biggest security risks" is located at http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28719835/
"Always on My Mind
David Kennedy's obsession with drug dealers has made him a highly sought after criminologist." by Suzanne Smalley
Governments tax the drugs to deal with some of the harm caused by existing addicts and harm caused by new addicts to themselves and others. Drugs that are regulated are likely to be safer than drugs that are not regulated. When people buy marijuana, heroin, and cocaine now they can not be sure of how strong it is strength wise and what else is in it. Can a person die from the first time use of heroin or cocaine? Yes
Will criminals always look for ways to make money illegally? Yes Will there always be violent gangs? Probably Will legalizing drugs decrease the amount of money they make from drugs? Probably
The point is to reduce the amount of harm caused by the illegal drugs to other members of society. If Mexico's government collapses, how many more illegal immigrants do you think our country is going to get and how much harm do you think our country will experience if Mexico's government collapses?
Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution says Congress has the power
"To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures"
Congress should eliminate the Federal Reserve or veto many of its decisions. If a majority of the United States Senate wants a Federal Reserve decision to be vetoed, it should be vetoed. If a majority of the United States House of Representatives wants a Federal Reserve decision to be vetoed, it should be vetoed.
Congress should consider backing our currency with gold, silver, and other commodities.
The federal government, state governments, and businesses should spend more money on buses within cities, buses between cities, passenger rail, and freight rail. If people have an easier time getting to jobs and from jobs via buses, governments may be able to spend less money on food stamps and Medicaid. If fewer families need to have 2nd cars and 3rd cars, they may save money on gas, auto insurance, auto maintenance, and other auto related costs which could give them more money to spend on other things. People who do not have to spend money on cars have more money for college educations, down payments on homes and fixed rate mortgages, and retirements. If the air is cleaner, fewer children who have asthma may have to go to emergency rooms for asthma attacks and fewer parents may lose less time from work to take care of sick children. Our country may use less foreign oil and be able to spend less money on the military.
I am a regular user of Manchester Transit Authority which operates buses in Manchester, New Hampshire. Many senior citizens, disabled Veterans, students, shoppers, and others may benefit from having evening bus service and Sunday bus service in Manchester. Manchester's downtown might be busier at night and on Sundays. Many restaurants might have more customers and New Hampshire might obtain more money from its rooms and meals tax. Manchester Transit Authority buses have plenty of advertising space inside of them and I hope many businesses will advertise inside of Manchester Transit Authority buses. A person may see an ad inside of a bus longer than an ad in a magazine.
Congress for the New Urbanism http://www.cnu.org has a nice website. I agree with them that we need to make cities more walker friendly. This may reduce our need for foreign oil, help make our air cleaner, and help reduce obesity.
If New Hampshire's governments and businesses spend more money on buses within cities and buses between cities, more businesses might be willing to create jobs in New Hampshire and more tourists from Canada might visit New Hampshire.
Article 6 of United States Constitution
"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges of every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding."
Please keep in mind when Article 6 was written United States Senators were chosen by State Legislatures which gave State Legislatures a say in which Treaties were adopted and which Treaties were NOT adopted. Before Amendment Seventeen was passed, State Legislatures via United States Senators had a say on military issues, Treaties, trade agreements, Ambassadors, national debt, Supreme Court Justices, and other things.
I would like an Amendment to the United States Constitution adopted that says when a part of an existing Treaty or future Treaty conflicts with a portion of the United States Constitution that part of the Treaty is voided. The only way to significantly change the United States Constitution should be via an Amendment to the United States Constitution.
I would like an Amendment to the United States Constitution adopted that allows each State to have at least 3 United States Senators and allows each State Legislature to choose at least 1 United States Senator.
I would like an Amendment to the United States Constitution adopted that allows State Legislatures to repeal Treaties, trade agreements, federal laws, and federal regulations.
I would like an Amendment to the United States Constitution adopted that allows State Legislatures to recall (fire) their Representatives to the United States House of Representatives, their United States Senators, the President of the United States of America, and the Vice President of the United States of America.
I would like an Amendment to the United States Constitution adopted that allows the people to repeal federal laws, federal regulations, trade agreements, and Treaties.
I would like an Amendment to the United States Constitution adopted that allows the people to recall their United States Senators, their Representatives to the United States House of Representatives, the President of the United States of America, and the Vice President of the United States of America.
New Hampshire should allow casino gambling in many parts of New Hampshire. To deal with addicts and crime, New Hampshire and the cities the casinos are in taxes casinos, taxes winnings above a certain amount, and charges people a fee for entering the casinos. New Hampshire would also benefit from rooms and meals tax revenues from the casinos. Many existing restaurants and many existing hotels could be allowed to have poker matches and other casino gambling. This may help many restaurants and hotels stay in business. Some of the money New Hampshire obtains from casino gambling could be used for police, education, gambling addiction, and infrastructure.
Individual Liberty and freedoms are important. Treating people who are at least 18 years old as adults is important. Does every person who gambles become an addict? No Do many people who gamble become addicts? Yes Prohibition dealing with alcohol caused significant harm. Prohibition dealing with marijuana, heroin, and cocaine for people who are at least 18 years old is causing significant harm. Do you want to ban alcohol because alcohol harms many people? Do you want to ban cigarettes because cigarettes harm many people? Do you want to ban sodas because they harm many people? Do you want to ban donuts because they harm many people? Do you want to ban the state lottery because the state lottery harms many people? Gambling may make it easier for New Hampshire to reduce its tax on corporate profits.
New Hampshire should allow people to smoke in restaurants. This may save jobs in many restaurants. This may help increase employment in many restaurants which may help reduce the need for food stamps and Medicaid. If you do NOT want to eat in a restaurant that has smoking, you may eat in a different restaurant. If you do NOT want to work in a restaurant that has smoking, you may work in a different restaurant. Making it harder for a restaurant to stay in business is a bad idea. Individual Liberty and freedoms are important. If a restaurant wants to have smoking, it should be allowed to have smoking. I have had asthma since I was a child. I have never smoked. Second hand cigarette smoke has sometimes bothered my asthma.
The rooms and meals tax should be 5 percent to encourage more people to visit restaurants and hotels. The more people employed by restaurants and hotels the fewer people who may need food stamps and Medicaid.
I think New Hampshire should reduce cigarette taxes to encourage more people from New Hampshire and other states to buy cigarettes and lottery tickets in New Hampshire.
New Hampshire's state government and local governments need to make it easier for small businesses to do business in New Hampshire by eliminating regulations that are not necessary, by eliminating laws that are not necessary, and by reducing many fees and paperwork.
New Hampshire might want to have a tax of less than 6 percent on corporate profits to encourage more businesses to do business in New Hampshire and encourage existing businesses to expand in New Hampshire. New Hampshire needs to care more about creating good paying jobs and other jobs in New Hampshire. New Hampshire needs to reduce its need for tourism. Many Massachusetts businesses might decide to create jobs in New Hampshire. State revenues do not need to be as high if there is less need for food stamps and Medicaid.
I first read John Locke when I was a teenager and my political philosophy is based on John Locke. I usually care more about Individual Liberty than anything else. I believe there should be an Amendment to the United States Constitution that bans the military draft as a possibility even when our nation has been invaded. It is better to die free than to live as a slave.
A friend of mine was murdered in New Hampshire by a drunk driver in 1980 when I was 10 years old. I still have emotional scars from his murder. His murder really screwed me up for a long period of itme.
I hope you will think about how you would like it if a friend of yours is murdered by a drunk driver. I hope you will think about how you would like it if a friend of yours is killed by an idiot who talks on a cell phone when driving.
New Hampshire should have mandatory auto insurance. The son of a friend of mine has significant brain injury because of an uninsured driver. The driver who injured my friend's son now has to have auto insurance. Medical costs from a car accident may be several hundred thousand dollars over the victim's life. If a person does not have auto insurance, the person may not be held accountable when the person causes harm while driving.
New Hampshire may want to have mandatory seat belt usage to reduce the probability of having to cleanup bodies from the highways and reduce the probability of more accidents because of bodies in the highways. Many people own CONVERTIBLES. If you are not wearing a seat belt and your car gets hit, you are going to have less control of your car if you are still in it which increases the probability of other people getting injured and/or killed in other cars. Do you care if other drivers endanger the lives of your children and other family members when the drivers do not wear seat belts? If you are driving in a convertible without a seat belt and your car gets hit, your chances of leaving your vehicle is greater than it would be if you are wearing a seat belt because of PHYSICS.
New Hampshire SHOULD BAN the usage of cell phones while driving in non emergency situations. If a person is caught using a cell phone while driving in a non emergency situation, the person should be hit with a $2,000 fine and a 5 percent of yearly income fine. If you drive while talking on a cell phone, you are more likely to cause an accident. If you drive while talking on a cell phone, you will have a harder time avoiding an accident. If you drive while talking on a cell phone, your control of your car is less when it is hit which increases the probability your car will hit other cars. The point is to avoid a situation before it takes place.
If a person is caught texting while driving, the person should be hit with a $3,000 fine and a 10 percent of yearly income fine. A person should never text while driving.
If a person is caught driving more than 20 miles per hour above the speed limit, the person should be hit with a $2,000 fine and a 5 percent of yearly income fine.
If you are at least 18 years old and you want to smoke in a restaurant that allows smoking, you should be allowed to do so because of Individual Liberty.
If you are at least 18 years old, you should be allowed to smoke marijuana, have sex with prostitutes, and gamble in casinos. If New Hampshire allows people who are at least 18 years old to smoke marijuana, have sex with prostitutes or a date in a casino, eat in the casino restaurant, and gamble in casinos, New Hampshire may be able to sell its own brand of marijuana, charge people to eat in the restaurant, charge people a fee to gamble, and tax winnings above a certain amount. Rooms and meals tax revenues might increase. Tourism to New Hampshire might significantly increase from many countries.
I hope people will think about Individual Liberty in a logical way. If you are at least 18 years old and you want to smoke marijuana at home, you should be allowed to do so because of Individual Liberty. If you drive while under the influence of marijuana, you should be punished. I think it is crazy that we tell cancer patients they may NOT smoke marijuana while allowing people to endanger the lives of others by talking on a cell phone while driving. Individual Liberty allows you to harm yourself if you are at least 18 years old. Individual Liberty does NOT allow you to engage in reckless behavior that endangers the lives of others.
Do you care what happens to walkers who get hit by uninsured drivers who talk on a cell phone while driving? Have you ever had an idiot talking on a cell phone while driving cut in front of you when you have had a walk signal? I have trying to cross the street in Manchester on several occasions. Maybe we should call Manchester the reckless Wild West City where many idiots drive.
"Live Free or Die" is the motto of New Hampshire. The "Die" part fits. The "Live Free" part does not. If you drive or walk in New Hampshire, you need to expect to be hit by an idiot who talks on a cell phone while driving without auto insurance and no seat belt. I wonder how many people who think New Hampshire should NOT have smoking in restaurants and gambling in casinos think people should be allowed to talk on cell phones while driving and not have auto insurance. If New Hampshire believed in people Living Free, people who are at least 18 years old would be able to smoke marijuana, smoke cigarettes in restaurants, have sex with prostitutes, be prostitutes, and gamble in casinos. New Hampshire does NOT value life. New Hampshire does NOT value freedom. New Hampshire does NOT value Individual Liberty. New Hampshire does NOT value public safety.
A friend of mine was murdered in New Hampshire by a drunk driver in 1980 when I was 10 years old. He never got the chance to go to college, get married, and vote.
If you die because of a drunk driver, your Individual Liberty no longer matters.
If you die because of an idiot who drives while talking on a cell phone, your Individual Liberty no longer matters.
I hope none of you ever knows what it is like to lose a friend because of a driver who was not responsible.
I hope fewer children die because of drivers who are not responsible.
Responsible drivers do NOT talk on a cell phone in a non emergency situation. Responsible drivers do NOT eat and drive. Responsible drivers do NOT shave and drive. Responsible drivers do NOT drink coffee and drive. Responsible drivers focus on driving.
People who are at least 18 years old have the right to ruin their own lives.
People do NOT have the right to murder me with their cars or murder any other person with their cars. People do NOT have the right to ruin my life or ruin the life of any other person.
Public safety is more important than Individual Liberty when people are driving.
I asked MANCHESTER EXPRESS questions dealing with the Verizon Wireless Arena and MerchantsAuto.com stadium that Manchester, New Hampshire's taxpayers are paying for. The answers are on page 5 of the January 5-11, 2009 Express http://www.manchexpress.com/express010509.pdf
"The Express spoke with city finance officer Bill Sanders to find out the answers to these questions and learn more about the financial arrangements the venues have with the city."
"The City of Manchester does not receive any money from merchandise or ticket sales from the arena or the stadium, whether in the form of a commission or a sales tax, Sanders said. While it would be possible to have some sort of sales tax on these things, the decision to do so would be a legislative matter at the state level, he said."
"The city receives an annual contribution of about $200,000 from the arena to the capital reserve fund. This payment is more than offset, however, by the $4.5 million the city pays annually on a bank loan taken out for the arena's construction. This amount will increase to about $5.2 million per year during the next 20 years, at which point the loan will be paid off, Sanders said."
"Funds for the debt service payments do not come from Queen City taxpayers directly, but from the statewide meals and rentals tax. The state adds an 8 percent tax on hotel and restaurant bills that costs at least 36 cents, along with an 8 percent tax on motor vehicle rentals, according the the Department of Revenue Administration website. This money is collected by the state and redistributed to the city and town governments. Manchester received $4.8 million in 2008."
I hope New Hampshire's Legislature will have a sales tax on tickets and merchandise sold at Verizon Wireless Arena and MerchantsAuto.com stadium and turn over all the proceeds from the sales tax to Manchester's government so that Manchester's taxpayers will not continue to be harmed by Manchester elected officials who did not make sure that Manchester's government is able to tax sales at Verizon Wireless Arena and MerchantsAuto.com. Manchester's taxpayers are not able to take buses to the Verizon Wireless Arena and MerchantsAuto.com stadium on Sundays because there is no bus service in Manchester on Sundays. I hope Manchester will have evening bus service and Sunday bus service. I hope voters in many states will learn from Manchester's government poor decision making.
New Hampshire may want to ask Canadian governments and Canadian businesses if they would be willing to help fund and run passenger rail between Canada and Boston. Many Canadian tourists and businesses might benefit from passenger rail between Canada and Boston. New Hampshire might want to ask many businesses based in Massachusetts if they would be willing to help fund and run passenger rail between Canada and Boston because they might benefit from passenger rail. New Hampshire might get more tourists from Canada and Massachusetts if there is passenger rail between Canada and Boston. It might be easier for many people who live in New Hampshire to work in Canada and Massachusetts. Many businesses could advertise inside of passenger rail. New Hampshire could allow poker matches and other card games with large cash prizes on passenger rail.
The federal government should pay 100 percent of the cost of providing public k-12 educations to illegal immigrants and the children of illegal immigrants including those children born in the United States of America. The federal government should pay 100 percent of the cost of Medicaid for illegal immigrants and the children of illegal immigrants including those children born in the United States of America. The federal government should pay 100 percent of the cost of food stamps and other anti-poverty programs for illegal immigrants and the children of illegal immigrants including those children born in the United States of America. The federal government should pay 100 percent of the cost of jailing illegal immigrants and the children of illegal immigrants including those children born in the United States of America. Local governments and state governments should send bills to the federal government for the previous things and the federal government should pay them because the federal government is responsible for keeping illegal immigrants out.
An important component of national security is border security. Democrat members of Congress, Republican members of Congress, Republican Presidents, and Democrat Presidents have not cared enough about border security. We need to be worried about illegal immigration, terrorism, crime, diseases, and harm to our food supply.
Our country should significantly increase LEGAL IMMIGRATION in the future especially educated immigration and skilled immigration. Our country should let in more immigrants who are able to create jobs in our country. Our computer industry has benefitted significantly from legal immigration over the years. We might not have much of a computer industry if it were not for people like An Wang and Andy Grove.
It should be easier for LEGAL IMMIGRANTS to become citizens of the United States of America.
Illegal immigrants should have to register with the federal government and the state government of the state they work in. If a business hires an illegal immigrant who is NOT registered to work in the United States of America, the federal government and the state government should hit the business with fines. Illegal immigrants should receive photo IDs that includes their fingerprints.
Illegal immigrants should pay a higher social security tax and a higher Medicare tax than citizens of the United States of America. Illegal immigrants should pay a higher income tax than citizens of the United States of America. Illegal immigrants should pay a 5 percent WORK IN THE USA tax collected by employers that would be split between the federal government and the state government. Only ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS should pay the WORK IN THE USA tax.
An illegal immigrant should have to live in the United States of America for at least 10 years after the passage of this law before the person may become a citizen of the United States of America. An illegal immigrant should have to pay social security taxes for at least 25 years after the passage of this law before the person is able to obtain any benefits from Social Security.
The federal sales taxes would tax some of the money being earned in our underground economy by illegal immigrants and others.
I recommend people read
"Hiding in the Shadows
The Growth of the Underground Economy" by Friedrich Schneider and Dominik Enste.
I obtained much of my education going to the Nashua Public Library in Nashua, New Hampshire when I was growing up. I obtained a great education from Nashua's public schools.
The need for libraries may significantly increase.
I hope many restaurants and other businesses will hold fundraisers for libraries. Businesses could match employee contributions up to a maximum limit the businesses set. Many companies might want to donate items to be raffled off. Many businesses might want to donate, shirts, bags, and other things that could be sold with the proceeds going to libraries.
Libraries may help poor children and other children obtain great educations.
The books in libraries and newspapers in libraries may help people find jobs.
Computers at libraries may help people find jobs and save money when they buy things. People may look up prices on the computer and then order things over the phone when they get home. Computers may help people obtain product reviews they are able to take with them to retail stores where they may buy items.
I hope governments and businesses in many countries will help fund and run free education websites that have top teachers and top students teaching early childhood education, k-12 subjects, college subjects, and graduate school subjects via video, audio, notes, and other things. Top teachers and top students could be compensated. You may see what MIT is doing at http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/web/home/home/index.htm. The free websites could also provide free tutoring by teachers and students. A student in Nebraska could benefit from a teacher in France. A student in Germany could benefit from a student tutor in Kansas.
Students who have a hard time learning in the classroom may learn a lot from the websites. Some students do not learn some subjects as fast as other students. Some students learn some subjects faster than other subjects. The education websites may benefit homeschooled students and employees of many businesses.
A nice website dealing with education is http://www.teach-nology.com/teachers/early_education/subject_matter/scie...
I hope many governments and businesses in many countries will help fund free during the school day tutoring, free after school tutoring, and free weekend tutoring.
I hope governments and businesses in many countries will fund cooperative education programs similar to what takes place at Northeastern University in junior high schools, high schools, colleges, and graduate schools.
Local governments and state governments may want to do many of the things that Finland is doing dealing with education. You may read about education in Finland at http://www.edu.fi/english/Subpage.asp?path=500;4699
Governments and businesses may want to make reducing functional illiteracy dealing with reading and writing one of their main priorities. People who are able to read and write may make more money, buy more goods and services, and pay more in taxes.
I am trying to help people be better educated voters. I am hoping to get more people interested in running for elective office. I am discussing the issues the way I think they should be discussed.
I have a very long paper trail going back more than a decade.
I think it is more likely that our planet will be hit by several asteroids on the same day capable of wiping out all life on our planet than me ever winning elective office.
Do not panic. If you panic, you are likely to make things worse.
Read The Art of War by Sun Tzu to help you think more logically.
Think logically and take the time necessary to decrease the probability that the solutions you have come up with will make things worse. Before TARP was passed, members of Congress should have made sure the federal government was getting back some of the bonuses and executive pay already paid out. Congress should reduce future executive pay and bonuses when it wants of companies receiving money from TARP. Members of Congress should make financial institutions receiving money from TARP tell Congress how the money is being spent and loaned out at least every 2 weeks.
Study human nature. If you ignore human nature, policies are less likely to work.
Study history to see what has worked in the past and what has not worked in the past.
The sales taxes I mention on this profile could be adopted at the same time as the income tax cuts or the federal government could wait 2 years before enforcing the sales taxes. I think the Securities Turnover Excise Tax should be immediately adopted even if tax cuts do not take place. The federal government might want to gradually increase the sales taxes to the rates I mention. The sooner tax cuts take place the better the economy may be.
I highly recommend people read
"A Modest Proposal: Limited Purpose Banking" by Scott Burns and Laurence J. Kotlikoff
The federal government might obtain significant benefits for the United States of America if it spends at least 200 billion dollars a year each year for the next 5 years on infrastructure. This may do a lot more good than putting money in banks.
I highly recommend people read
"6 Reasons Libraries Need a Bailout"
The money would help buy more books, computers, internet access, tutoring for students, tutoring for workers, job training workshops, how to start and run a business workshops, how to read and write in English programs, and other things.
The education of our children may significantly improve over time, poverty may be reduced over time, and economic growth may significantly increase. Tax revenues may increase over time by more than 100 billion dollars because of federal government investment in libraries of more than 10 billion dollars. Many more businesses may be started by people who use libraries and they may learn from the mistakes of others. Any person who has read THE ART OF WAR by Sun Tzu should realize we have spent hundreds of billions of dollars on the military that we did not need to spend. We have the ability to reduce military spending over time and we should. Many well educated children may grow up to be well educated soldiers, workers, business owners, and elected officials. Better educated soldiers may be far more successful in War. We may avoid Wars that are not necessary and WIN wars faster if our elected leaders and people study war better. How money is spent on the military is often more important than how much money is spent. Military training is vital to reducing friendly fire incidents and deaths caused by poor training. Our country should eliminate many foreign military bases and many domestic military bases.
I highly recommend people read
"Breaking the Banks
The Struggle to Feed America's Nouveua Needy" by Nick Turse
The federal government should contribute at least 10 billion dollars to the nation's food banks. It makes a lot more sense for the federal government to contribute money to food banks than banks who helped caused the financial crisis by being idiots.
Many more companies may want to match employee contributions to food banks. Many companies might want to compete against each other to see which company is able to raise the most money or food for food banks. Many supermarkets and restaurants might want to enter people in contests who contribute a certain amount of money or food to food banks.
Our country should be encouraging public schools to have more time for recess to help reduce obesity. Our country should be encouraging our public schools to have healthier foods. Children may be more settled and ready for learning.
I highly recommend people check out
"What happened to RECESS?"
Many parents may want to go walking with their children more often to reduce their obesity and the obesity of their children. They may want to use hiking poles made by http://www.leki.com or other companies. I own poles made by LEKI for walking in good weather. I own Tracks Sherlock Staffs made by http://www.trackspoles.com for use when walking in winter. A Tracks Sherlock Staff has been very beneficial to me in bad winter weather. I usually only need one in bad winter weather. Senior citizens have asked me where I obtained my staff. Many companies sell them.
The federal government might want to have farmers and companies that sell healthy meat like bison, deer, and beef from cows that DO NOT have antibiotics and are fed grass and NOT grain to pay lower taxes than farmers and companies that sell beef from cows that are fed grain and have antibiotics. If people are better able to buy healthy meat, our country may save many billions of dollars a year on health care.
The federal government punishes people for investing in 401(k) plans by saying that when people take the money out they are going to pay taxes at that time which could be significantly higher than they are now. I discuss changes to 401(k) plans on this profile.
The federal government punishes people for saving by taxing interest from savings accounts. Interest from savings accounts might not make up for the loss caused by inflation.
The federal government encourages wealthy people and others to buy TAX FREE bonds instead of investing in businesses in our country. If income taxes are increased on the wealthy, expect them to sell stocks and buy more TAX FREE bonds which is likely to harm many poor people and middle class people who have 401(k) plans. If income taxes are increased on the wealthy, they are likely to consume less which may cause many people to lose their jobs.
The federal government punishes businesses for creating jobs in our country while encouraging businesses to create jobs in other countries and ship products back to our country.
If the federal corporate tax rate is increased, expect businesses to fire people in our country and hire more people in other countries.
It is NOT about government revenues.
It is about jobs in the private sector.
It is about helping people save for their retirements.
If people are more confident, they may spend more money. If businesses are more confident, they may fire fewer people and hire more people. Reducing social security taxes the way that I discussed earlier on this profile may increase the confidence of many individuals and businesses.
The federal government and state governments should stop taxing interest from savings accounts, dividends, capital gains, and estates. Many small banks may do a lot better. Many big banks may be less likely to fail. Many people may have an easier time making mortgage payments, reducing their debts, and buying things. Many businesses may have an easier time reducing their debts and buying things. Many businesses may have an easier time obtaining loans and investments for hiring workers, research and development, and plant and equipment. The 401(k) plans of many people may do a lot better over time. The Roth IRAs of many people may do a lot better over time. Pension funds of government employees may do a lot better over time. Many people may have an easier time saving for college tuitions and retirements.
I highly recommend people read
"You Can't Soak the Rich" by David Ransom
"China: The Hope of the World Economy?" by Bill Bonner
If the highest federal income tax rate on individuals is NOT greater than 15 percent and the highest federal corporate tax rate is NOT greater than 15 percent, our economy is likely to grow a lot and many jobs may be created. The 401(k) plans and Roth IRAs of many people may do a lot better. Pension funds of government employees may do a lot better. People may be less dependent upon social security for their retirements. People may be better able to pay mortgage payments, reduce their debts, buy things, and pay for college educations. The less that the federal government taxes individuals and businesses the more that state governments may be able to tax individuals and businesses. State governments may be able to spend a lot more money on education. State governments may spend money on infrastructure, energy transmission, energy development, public transportation, and many other things better than the federal government. Our country may depend less on China and other countries for capital.
There is nothing wrong with many state governments having income taxes on individuals and corporate tax rates greater than the federal government. Please keep in mind that the more money that the federal government obtains from taxes the more money it might waste on military expenses that are not necessary.
I recommend people read
"Obama budget would boost SEC
Plan would also give boon to agency monitoring complex financial instruments; lawmakers ponder agency mergers."
I discusses increasing the budget of the SEC and my concerns dealing with former President Bush when I ran for United States Senate on The Green Papers in 2002 at http://www.thegreenpapers.com/Vox/?20020721-0
I learned the importance of COMPETENT government regulation from the Savings and Loans Crisis.
I highly recommend people read The Art of War by Sun Tzu translated by Samuel B. Griffith. I have read this translation many times. I like this translation of The Art of War by Sun Tzu the best. I have read 3 translations of The Art of War by Sun Tzu.
I highly recommend people read the second revised edition of Strategy by B.H. Liddell Hart which is the best book I have read dealing with military history and my favorite book dealing with strategy after The Art of War by Sun Tzu.
I highly recommend people read
"Addicted to Force, Addicted to Failure
A Falcon of Peace
Who Wants to Be A Dove? (They Always Lose.)" by Tom Engelhardt
I highly recommend people read George Washington's Farewell Address
I discuss why the military powers of Congress are greater than the military powers of the President of the United States of America at http://www.thegreenpapers.com/Vox/?20070214-0. I discuss Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution which discusses the military in great detail.
I have been writing about military issues for many years. You may read military humor, about the Military Trainers division I want to be created, and some other military issues on http://www.myspace.com/kennethstremsky
When I ran for United States States Senate and for a short period of time for President of the United States of America, I discussed in great detail The Art of War by Sun Tzu, Machiavelli, and John Locke.
You may read what I wrote about The Art of War by Sun Tzu several years ago at
I think it makes sense for the federal government to have a Department of Peace. A Department of Peace may help reduce crime and terrorism against our country over time. A Department of Peace may make our country a lot safer and save us many hundreds of billions of dollars on military spending that is NOT necessary.
Sun Tzu realized that the best way to win a War is to win without fighting. It is important to be well prepared for War if you want to avoid War. If our country had been well prepared for War, we might have not had to fight World War 1 and World War 2. Weakness increases the odds of War.
Our country should have learned from Vietnam not to overthrow a foreign government and occupy a foreign country when that country has NOT attacked us without a Congressional Declaration of War.
Our country should have learned from Somalia not to send troops into battle without the proper supplies when it is possible to supply them first.
Our country should pass an Amendment to the United States Constitution that bans the military draft as a possibility even when our country has been invaded. A draft is a form of slavery. No government should have the power to force its citizens to die for it.
We would be more successful in Afghanistan and other places if our elected leaders follow many of the teachings from The Art of War by Sun Tzu. Win the hearts and minds of the people when you do NOT have to make enemies of them is one of the most important teachings from The Art of War by Sun Tzu. Our country should legalize, regulate, and tax the sales of marijuana, heroin, and cocaine for people who are at least 18 years old. Our country would have more friends and fewer enemies in Afghanistan if we allow farmers in Afghanistan to grow opium and sell it to us and others. Terrorists might obtain less money from the sale of their opium. Our soldiers might be a lot safer.
I recommend people read
"Can Marijuana Help Rescue California's Economy?" by Alison Stateman
"Obama Has the Chance To Be Another FDR -- He Can End the Era of Marijuana Prohibition" by Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman
"The Growth of the Underground Economy" by Friedrich Schneider and Dominik Enste
Farmers in California and many other states should be allowed to grow marijuana for medicinal uses and other uses.
Farmers in California and many other states should be allowed to grow hemp to make clothing, shoes, paper, ropes, and other things. Many farmers may do a lot better and have less need for subsidies.
Many countries may have less crime and more revenues if many drugs that are illegal are made legal, regulated, and taxed. Many countries may have less poverty over time.
I started writing GLOBAL THINKING EXPANDED http://sites.google.com/site/kenstremsky/Home/global-thinking-expanded on March 2, 2009. The plan I have on it may help reduce poverty in many countries over time. If many countries have less poverty, their may be less crime and terrorism in many countries.
WE ARE CONNECTED. The worse the drinking water, health care systems, and septic systems that developing countries have the more likely that epidemics may take place that may go global rapidly. People should realize how connected we are before many millions of people die from something worse than Spanish Flu.
Some important websites
Please keep in mind the founders of our country were worried about the President of the United States of America having too much power on military matters and that is why they gave so many military powers to Congress.
Please keep in mind our founders wanted United States Senators chosen by State Legislatures so that State Legislatures would have a say on military matters. I would like an Amendment to the United States Constitution adopted that allows each State to have at least 3 United States Senators and allows each State Legislature to choose at least 1 United States Senator.
The federal government might want to have 2 percent carbon tax on gasoline, heating oil, and coal. A 2 percent carbon tax on gasoline, heating oil, and coal may help reduce air pollution, water pollution, and land pollution some. If the air is cleaner, fewer children may miss school because of asthma attacks and fewer parents may lose time from work to take care of sick children. I have had asthma since I was a child.
I do NOT think the carbon tax should be placed on natural gas. A carbon tax placed on natural gas may be a very bad idea.
Some of the money the federal government obtains from a carbon tax on gasoline, heating oil, and coal could be used for solar energy development, wind energy development, ocean wave energy development, make homes have less need for heating oil, public transportation, Social Security, Medicare, k-12 education, libraries, job training programs, and cooperative education programs.
A carbon tax that is too high may cause significant harm to poor people and people on fixed incomes. A carbon tax that is too high may cause a lot of harm to our economy.
I think a carbon tax makes more sense than Cap-And-Trade.
I highly recommend people read
"A Carbon Tax Is Better Than Cap-And-Trade
Tricky question: How will Republicans react" by Bruce Bartlett
Please keep in mind that when you buy something pollution might not be factored into the price you are paying which means that other people may be more likely to be harmed.
I recommend people read
"Winged luxury submarines 'fly' underwater" by Steve Almasy
Think of many different ways to save money. Think of many different ways to make money. Think of many different ways to spend money. Businesses are more likely to keep people employed and are more likely to hire people when people are spending money.
There are many different websites that have coupon codes to save money with many different retailers. http://www.RetailMeNot.com has saved me money.
Some companies that may help you save a lot of money that have 100 percent satisfaction, no time limit guarantee policies are
http://www.llbean.com, http://www.sportsmansguide.com., and http://www.bargainoutfitters.com have done price adjustments for me. If I bought a product from one of these companies and the product dropped in price within 30 days of buying the product and I called the company, the company put the difference back on my card.
The L.L. Bean outlet store in Manchester, New Hampshire did a price adjustment for me that was less than 14 days after I bought the jacket.
http://www.duluthtrading.com did a price adjustment for me within 14 days of buying a product from them. I bought my awesome suspenders that people have asked me about from them. I bought my Tilley hats on sale from them. I highly recommend Tilley Sun hats http://www.tilley.com. I own the LT6 and the LTM6. Many companies sell the hats.
I have obtained great deals from http://www.cabelas.com and http://www.campmor.com which do not have 100 percent satisfaction, no time limit guarantee policies.
I have been able to save a lot of money on some products by buying them at CVS retail stores by using the CVS card.
Capitalism may do a lot of good. Capitalism may cause a lot of harm.
I recommend people read
"When Environmentalists Legitimize Plunder" by Michael Barker
I highly recommend people check out
I highly recommend people read
The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith
I am a capitalist who likes to read diverse viewpoints sometimes.
General Hospital, Dr Who, and other television shows. I started watching General Hospital when I was a young teenager. I watched many episodes of Dr. Who when I was a teenager. General Hospital and Dr. Who have improved my creativity and problem solving skills over the years. General Hospital has had many story lines that have been great. General Hospital has had several story lines that have not made sense.
Watching ducks
I have posted comments on http://www.huffingtonpost.com/users/profile/kenstremsky
I created http://sites.google.com/site/kenstremsky/ on January 25, 2009. I posted some humor and other things on it.
Some recommended reading
If by Rudyard Kipling http://ve.csusb.edu/kipling.html which has been my favorite poem since I was in college. I live my life according to most of the poem.
George Washington's Farewell Address http://avalon.law.yale.edu/18th_century/washing.asp. He was right about political parties and many other things. One of the most amazing things ever written.
The United States Constitution
John Locke
The Federalist Papers
Caesar: A Biography by Christian Meier
The Art of War by Sun Tzu translated by Samuel B. Griffith
Machiavelli's Discourses
the second revised edition of Strategy by B.H. Liddell Hart which discusses strategy and military history
The Lucifer Principle: A Scientific Expedition Into the Forces of History by Howard Bloom http://www.howardbloom.net/lucifer/about.html
How to command attention, change minds, and influence people by Harry Mills
The Accidental Salesperson
How to Take Control of Your Sales Career and Earn the Respect and Income You Deserve by Chris Lytle
How to Sell Anything to Anybody by Joe Girard
THE Safe Shopper's BIBLE
A Consumer's Guide to Nontoxic Household Products, Cosmetics, and Food by David Steinman and Samuel S. Epstein, M.D. http://www.preventcancer.com/press/books/ssb.htm
Clark's Big Book of Bargains by Clark Howard http://www.getclarksmart.com and http://clarkhoward.com
http://www.gitomer.com has a free sales newsletter
http://www.womenforhire.com - has advice on obtaining jobs. I watched Tory Johnson do a very good interview.
111 DYNAMITE WAYS TO ACE YOUR JOB INTERVIEW by Richard Fein is a great book.
http://www.stratfor.com has a free strategic newsletter
"The Return of Carterism?
Lessons for President Obama from a predecessor's record." is located at http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123257527543603751.html
I think our country would be better off today if Gerald R. Ford Jr. had been elected President in 1976. My 3 favorite Presidents are George Washington, Gerald R. Ford Jr., and Theodore Roosevelt.
Carter was not a good President. Reagan was a worse President. Reagan harmed our country significantly in many ways.
Some of the ways Reagan harmed our country
Iran Contra
the handling of the murder of our Marines in Lebanon which led to future terrorists attacks
The War on Drugs. I thought Republicans are supposed to support Individual Liberty and freedoms. Instead we got an exercise in stupidity that reminds me of what takes place in a totalitarian state.
Not caring about energy security which is an important component of national security. If our country had cared a lot about energy security when Reagan was President, we might have saved hundreds of billions of dollars on foreign oil and hundreds of billions of dollars on military expenses that were not necessary over the past 25 years.
When Reagan took office on January 20, 1981, our national debt was less than 1 trillion dollars. It took us more than 180 years to accumulate the debt. Reagan and Congress helped cause the national debt to soar when he was President. I thought Republicans are supposed to care about fiscal sanity and sound money. Our national debt is now more than 10 trillion dollars thanks to Republican Presidents starting with Reagan, Republican members of Congress, Democratic members of Congress, non voters, and voters who voted for the wrong people.
"The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States". Because Congress has the power to "provide" for the "general Welfare", Congress may fund Social Security, Medicare, food stamps, Medicaid, other safety nets, loan money to companies, invest in companies, and do other things. If you are going to discuss the Constitution and you think Congress may not create and fund Social Security and other safety nets, you might want to look up the word "provide" in a dictionary.
Congress has the power
"To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes". Congress and not the President of the United States of America is supposed to negotiate trade agreements with "foreign Nations." If the President of the United States of America negotiates a trade Treaty (Article 2, Section 2 of the United States Constitution), the House of Representatives does not get to vote on the Treaty and the United States Senates gets to amend the Treaty via "Advice and Consent".
"To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures". Congress should eliminate the Federal Reserve or veto many of its decisions. If the majority of the United States Senate wants a Federal Reserve decision to be vetoed, it should be vetoed. If a majority of the United States House of Representatives wants a Federal Reserve decision to be vetoed, it should be vetoed. Congress may want to back our currency with gold, silver, and other commodities.
"No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money, emit Bills of Credit; make any Things but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility". People may want to support an Amendment to the United States Constitution that allows state governments to "coin Money" - make gold coins and silver coins. State governments may be better able to fund their operations. The federal government may cause less harm to state governments. More gold and silver may be found in our country and other countries.
401(k) PLANS
I learned a lot watching NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT http://www.pbs.org/nbr and Louis Rukeyser http://www.rukeyser.com.
I started writing GLOBAL THINKING EXPANDED http://sites.google.com/site/kenstremsky/Home/global-thinking-expanded on March 2, 2009. The plan may help reduce poverty in many countries. If poverty decreases in many countries, their may be less crime and terrorism in many countries. The faster the economies of developing countries grow the more goods and services they may buy from developed countries. Many people who live in developed countries may want to invest some money in developing countries. Investing in many developing countries may be more risky than investing in many developed countries. Investing in many developing countries may be less risky than investing in many developed countries. Investing in many developing countries may provide more capital gains and dividends than investing in developed countries.
401(k) plans need to be significantly improved. 401(k) plans need to be a lot more mobile. People need to have a lot more choices in mutual funds based in the United States of America and foreign countries.
People should be able to withdraw their contributions from 401(k) plans tax free and penalty free at any time. Capital gains and dividends should NOT be taxed. People should be able to withdraw capital gains and dividends at any time tax free and penalty free.
People should be able to withdraw the interest tax free and penalty free at any time. Many people might just want to put their money into accounts that provide interest.
These changes to 401(k) plans may help many poor people and middle class people make a lot of money over time. Many poor people work for retail stores and other companies that have 401(k) plans. Many companies match employee contributions to 401(k) plans some.
Many more people may put money in 401(k) plans if they are tax free and they have a lot more choices.
These changes would allow many people to make mortgage payments, reduce their debts, and buy things. Many people might be more confident and buy things. If people are more confident, businesses may be less likely to fire people and may be more likely to hire people.
You may read about 401(k) plans at
Current policies dealing with 401(k) plans are idiotic
because they discourage people from investing because
people do NOT know what taxes they are going to be paying
when they take out money and people are penalized when
they take out money before the federal government says
they may.
People should have a lot more choices in 401(k) plans. People should be allowed to put their
401(k) contributions in any mutual funds based in the United States of America and foreign countries they want. People should be allowed to invest their 401(k) contributions in any individual stocks in the United States of America and foreign countries they want. Businesses may say that their contributions to 401(k) plans may only be invested in their stocks and/or mutual funds they like. These ideas may help many people obtain better returns and may help reduce poverty on our planet.
If people have more choices for their 401(k) plans, many people may pay lower fees. More competition from mutual funds may lower fees. More competition from brokers to get people to buy individual stocks may lower fees.
I think the way 401(k) plans are setup now is very screwed up. Companies have the ability to change fund families when they feel like which I think is crazy. People may have money in very good funds for years and then be told they have to put money in lousy funds. THIS IS INSANE.
I highly recommend people read
"Put Your 401(k) Back to Work
Your best bet is to keep on contributing, stick with stocks and try not to raid your account." by Laura Cohn
People should only invest money they are prepared to lose. Investing in stocks is risky. Investing in mutual funds is risky. People have to decide if they are willing to take on more risk to obtain capital gains and dividends. Many people may just want to have money in accounts that provide interest. I hope people will visit many financial websites and read many magazines dealing with stocks before investing.
Please keep in mind people may pay HIGHER TAXES in the future when they take out money from their 401(k) plans. Please keep in mind taxes DO NOT take into account inflation. People may have to pay taxes when people have actually lost money because of INFLATION. Think about it. If a person has money in a 401(k) plan for 30 years and inflation is NOT taken into account, the person may be paying taxes on inflation.
Many people may decide that taking out money from their 401(k) plans to make mortgage payments is better than losing their homes. Many people may decide that taking out money from their 401(k) plans to reduce their credit card debts is a good idea. Many people may decide that taking out money from their 401(k) plans to help buy cars is a good idea. Many people may decide that taking out money from their 401(k) plans to help their children pay for college is a good idea.
I am NOT an expert on finance. I recommend websites on this profile that provide financial advice. I think people are smart enough to learn from them and other financial websites. I know how to save money on different types of products.
Do I think I will ever win elective office? No
Do I care? No
I discuss the ideas the way that I do because Iran-Contra really scared me. Before Iran-Contra took place, I had pretty much decided I never wanted to run for elective office and discuss politics much. I figured it would be an exercise in futility that would be a major waste of my time. I discuss many topics the way that I do and use many strategies many strategists would probably recommend NEVER to use because I have an immense sense of humor. If you are going to do something you would rather not do, I recommend you think of many different ways of making it enjoyable.
People who think I am a supporter of Reagan are OUT OF TOUCH WITH REALITY.
I want to use state governments and capitalism to reduce poverty in our country.
The more power the federal government has the more likely that idiots like Reagan and Bush will harm our country in the future.
Will people learn from history or get a lot more stupid over time?
Do you remember Iran-Contra? Do you remember the Savings and Loans Crisis? Did you learn anything from Iran-Contra and the Savings and Loans Crisis?
I discussed why I disliked former President Bush, increasing the budget of the SEC, and parts of the Republican Party platform I did NOT like on The Green Papers in 2002 when I ran for United States Senate in the Republican primary at http://www.thegreenpapers.com/Vox/?20020721-0
I recommend people read
"Taking a Depression Seriously" by David Brooks
"Grading Obama's Economic Policy" by Francis Cianfrocca
"Relax, Rich People!" by Matt Miller
I highly recommend people read
"Join Me On a Mission" by Christopher Thompson
Christopher Thompson discusses why negativity may harm your ability to be successful and our economy. I hope you will read it and recommend it to others. Things may get worse before they get better. It often takes a while for government decisions to produce positive results. Long term, I am hopeful for the United States of America. I hope you will be hopeful as well.
You might enjoy the 6 humorous columns I posted on http://www.myspace.com/kennethstremsky. The 1st of the 6 columns is geography humor and it makes fun of me by discussing what might take place if I am President of the United States of America. I have a column that discusses what NOT to do on a job interview, a column dealing with lousy customer service, and other columns.
You might understand military propaganda better if you read my military humor column located on my energy, military issues blog entry.
Amendment Seven of the United States Constitution
"In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law."
Binding arbitration agreements are NOT legal "where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars". People MAY NOT be asked to give up the right to sue BEFORE they have been harmed "where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars". Any court that says a person may give up the right to sue before the person has been harmed "where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars" is wrong because of Amendment Seven. Binding arbitration agreements "where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars" have NEVER BEEN LEGAL and any court that says differently is wrong. People may be asked to give up the right to sue AFTER they have been harmed. People never have to give up the right to sue "where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars."
People should be allowed to sue alone or as part of class action lawsuits credit card companies, stock brokers, other financial institutions, health insurance companies, and other companies.
Amendment Seven of the United States Constitution is one of the most important protections customers have. Members of Congress who do NOT enforce Amendment Seven of the United States Constitution should be voted out of office. Members of Congress are supposed to be working for the American people and NOT financial institutions, prescription drug companies, health insurance companies, and other companies that have given them campaign contributions.
People may get a lot better service from cell phone companies, cable companies, financial companies, health insurance companies, and other companies if they know binding arbitration agreements do NOT protect them from being sued "where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars".
Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution says Congress has the power
"To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes."
I think the grace period for credit cards should be at least 30 days.
Congress is able to decide what the grace period should be.
Congress is able decide what the interest rate credit card companies should be able to charge.
Congress is able to decide what the other policies credit card companies should have.
I recommend people check out http://www.ehow.com. The website discusses credit cards.
People should be allowed to buy into Medicare or a health insurance plan similar to what members of Congress have. Monthly premiums could be based on monthly incomes.
People who have Medicare should be able to get prescription drugs from Medicare and should NOT have to deal with private companies for their prescription drugs.
The Federal Government should use the Bayh-Dole Act to try to lower prescription drug prices. You may read about the Bayh-Dole Act at http://www.cptech.org/ip/health/bd/
Individuals who are at least 18 years old should NOT have to have health insurance.
Businesses should NOT have to provide health insurance to their employees or pay any portion of an employee's health insurance.
I discuss health care in greater detail after Georganne Chapin's "DASCHLE AND STATE-BY-STATE HEALTHCARE MISTAKES" at
Many state governments may want to adopt my recommendations.
I have more than 11 years of part-time customer service experience in retail stores. I do NOT want to lose my job because of an increase in the minimum wage.
If consumption decreases, many people who work in retail stores may lose their jobs. If consumption increases, many retail stores may hire more people.
Many retail stores have gone out of business.
If the minimum wage increases, many people may be fired, many people may work fewer hours, many salaried workers may work more hours for the same pay, and prices may increase.
Increasing the minimum wage during a recession may make the recession a lot worse.
The federal government and state governments should reduce the minimum wage over time and eventually eliminate it.
A better way to help people is an increase in the earned income tax credit.
A better way to help people is for the federal government to spend a lot more money on job training programs and cooperative education programs in junior high schools, high schools, colleges, and graduate schools. A person should NOT be denied the ability to participate in job training programs and cooperative education programs because the person makes too much money. The better skills that people have the more money they may make and the more taxes they may pay.
Scenario one
If an employee who works for a small business is worth $8 per hour and the minimum wage increases to $10 per hour, do you think the owner of the small business will fire the employee?
Scenario two
If a small business employs several full-time salaried employees and several part-time employees, what do you think is likely to take place if the minimum wage increases? The full-time salaried employees are likely to have to work more hours for the same pay and the part-time employees are likely to be fired or work fewer hours.
Many African countries may want to create a United States of Africa that would have a constitution similar to the United States of America and back its currency with gold, silver, and other commodities. State Legislatures could have the power to repeal federal laws, federal regulations, trade agreements, and treaties. State Legislatures could have the power to recall (fire) Representatives to a United States of Africa House of Representatives, Senators to a United States of Africa Senate, the President, and the Vice President. Many African governments may want to barter gold, silver, and other commodities with state governments and local governments based in the United States of America for help with food production, clean water, septic systems, health care, infrastructure, and other things.
The United States of America and many other countries should stop taxing interest from savings accounts, dividends, capital gains, and estates. This may help increase the numbers of businesses created over time and reduce poverty over time. Wealthy people and others may be more willing to make microloans. Wealthy people and others may be more willing to donate to charities that help poor people in many countries.
It makes more sense to increase many sales taxes on wealthy people and others.
It makes sense for many governments to encourage local manufacturing to decrease land pollution, water pollution, and air pollution on our planet.
Many governments and businesses should be working better together to reduce pollution caused by coal.
Many governments and businesses should be working better together to obtain more energy from the sun, the wind, and the oceans.
Many governments and businesses should be working better together to improve education systems.
Many governments and businesses should be working better together to improve libraries.
Many governments and businesses should be working better together to increase and improve drinking water supplies from the oceans and rain water.
Many governments and businesses should be working better together to improve septic systems and health care to reduce the probability of deadly epidemics that may go global in a short period of time.
Many governments and businesses should be working better together to improve buses, passenger rail, and freight rail so that there is less need for cars.
Many governments should legalize, regulate, and tax the sale of marijuana, heroin, and cocaine for people who are at least 18 years old so that their people will have more Individual Liberty and freedoms. Many governments may make a lot of money and there may be fewer people in prisons. Terrorists and violent criminals may make less money from drugs. People in many countries may be a lot safer.
I have a longer version on http://sites.google.com/site/kenstremsky/Home/global-thinking-expanded