
California Steps Back from the Brink

In yesterday’s primary elections, California took a small step away from the brink. San Franciscans recalled one of the most notorious “progressive prosecutors”—ultra-lenient DA Chesa Boudin  read more »

The Progressive Revolution is in Retreat

California may be the incubator of some of the worst political trends of our times — affirmative action, climate hysteria, identity politics — but it is also capable of reversing those trends  read more »

The Absurdity of California's Slave Reparations Bill

When it comes to preening, no American politician excels more than California Governor Gavin Newsom. His latest achievement, if you want to call it that  read more »

Hudson Yards Developer Builds Units for Hybrid Schedule Top Executives

Related Companies, developer of Hudson Yards in New York, the largest private real estate development in the nation’s history has announced a 270 housing units  read more »

Abortion Won't Save the Democrats

Joe Biden’s Presidency is unravelling, but Democrats hope that Republicans will snatch victory from the maw of their own miscalculations.  read more »

Show-Offs and Their Big Houses

What primarily intrigues me about people who willingly show themselves and their oversized properties off in places like the Wall Street Journal’s Mansion section is…why?  read more »

What the New York Times Won't Admit About California

Even the New York Times has to admit unpleasant realities, like the departure of people from California and other deep blue states.  read more »

Domestic Migration Map

Domestic migration has accelerated in the past few years as Americans relocate — typically from larger urban areas to mid-sized and smaller metros.  read more »

New York Urban Area Map

A commenter on the article (Comparing Urban Densities: Winnipeg and New York) expressed an interest in seeing the extent of the New York urban area.  read more »

Canada, U.S. Cities with Largest CBDs Lost Population

New population estimates by census authorities in Canada (Statistics Canada) and the United States (Bureau of the Census) show that cities (municipalities) with the largest central business districts lost residents in the year ended July 1, 2021.  read more »