
Feudal Future Podcast: Is There Hope? The Future of California Politics

On this episode of Feudal Future hosts Joel Kotkin and Marshall Toplansky are joined by Tom Campbell, former congressman, and Shawn Steel, republican national committee member.  read more »

California High Speed Rail: More Cost Overruns & Delays? (Los Angeles Times)

According to Los Angeles Times reporter Ralph Vartabedian (see: Cost overruns hit California bullet train again amid a new financial crunch, October 8), the troubled California high speed rail system could face additional cost overruns.  read more »

Even Elon Musk is Leaving California Behind

The announcement that Tesla is moving its headquarters to Texas may not be a surprise, but it confirms trends that California’s progressive gentry simply refuse to acknowledge. Tesla, among the diminishing number of large manufacturers based in the state, joins a growing exodus  read more »

PwC to Employees: Work for Us, Live Anywhere

According to the The Wall Street Journal, “The accounting and consulting giant PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP says most of its U.S. employees can now live anywhere in the country, in the latest sign that the pandemic is upending traditional working arrangements in a variety of white-collar roles.  read more »

The Poor Side of Town

The city of Indianapolis is building a new jail and criminal justice center on the southeast side of the city. This means many of the current users of the City-County Building, namely the courts, will be vacating the property.  read more »

High-speed rail advocates tout a 0.008% reduction in pollution

A recent op-ed in The Seattle Times written by transit activists claims a high-speed railroad from Portland to Vancouver B.C. would reduce air pollution.  read more »

Feudal Future Podcast: The Impact of the Pandemic

On this episode of Feudal Future hosts Joel Kotkin and Marshall Toplansky are joined by Ross Elliott, Chairman of the Urban Land Institute of Australia, and Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, Professor of Psychiatry at UC Irvine. This show covers the psychological impact of COVID-19 and how governments are managing it.  read more »

Will California Housing Policy Destroy Los Angeles' Secret Forests?

Recent California housing policies may result in the decimation of forests in both urban and suburban single-family neighborhoods of Los Angeles. L.A.-based policy analyst and writer Chris LeGras shows us drone footage of LA's "secret" forests that may be affected by the state's recent changes in housing policy.

Watch the Video:  read more »

WSDOT Secretary Consults with Political Advocates on Response to WPC Study, Has No Real Dispute With Our Data

In 2019, Washington Policy Center asked national transportation expert Wendell Cox to evaluate transportation planning in the Puget Sound region.  read more »

Bulletin: U.S. Household Income Drops in Pandemic

The Census Bureau has just announced that median household income in the United States declined by 2.6% in 2020 compared to 2019.  read more »