housing affordability

Update on the Relationship Between House Values and Rents

According to the latest information (American Community Survey, 2022), the strong relationship between median house values and median gross rents remains  read more »

Why People are Moving Out of California

Wendell Cox talks with California Insider about costs of living and who is moving away from the Golden State.  read more »

Restoring the California Dream

Join us for a webinar on January 21st, hosted by Joel Kotkin and Marshall Toplansky to learn how we can restore the California Dream for middle and working class Californians.  read more »

Demographia Housing Affordability in Canada 2021 Supplemental

Demographia Housing Affordability in Canada, assesses middle-income housing affordability  read more »

125+ Years Savings for House Down Payment in L.A., S.F. and San Jose

A just published report by Knock.com (see note) estimates that, at current prices, the median income household could require between 115 and 167 years to save for a down payment on the median priced new home in some major metropolitan areas.  read more »

Frontier Thinkers Corner: Housing Affordability

Wendell Cox joins host David Lees for a discussion on housing affordability and the root causes of the unaffordable housing crisis.  read more »

Housing Affordability in the Major Russian Metropolitan Areas, 3rd Quarter 2020

The Institute for Urban Economics presents the research on Housing Affordability in the major Russian metro area (as of the 3rd quarter 2020).  read more »