domestic migration

Net Domestic Migration Gains & Losses by State since 2000

Since 2000, there has been substantial net domestic migration between the states of the United States.  read more »

Chicago is One Kind of Town

The geographical resorting of America continues apace–the separation of peoples based broadly on ideology.  read more »

Domestic Migration Map

Domestic migration has accelerated in the past few years as Americans relocate — typically from larger urban areas to mid-sized and smaller metros.  read more »

AEI's Ed Pinto on the Housing Reshufflling and Remote Work

Fortune recently published an interview with Ed Pinto, director of the American Enterprise Institute Housing Center, and former chief credit officer of Fannie Mae.  read more »

Bloomberg's Case for Moving to Houston, URI 2020 Year in Review Video, and more

Happy new year everyone. Hope you enjoyed the holidays and the recent amazing weather (while staying safe). A lot of you probably had out-of-town family and/or friends visiting. Next time nonlocal friends or family say Houston is too hot, floods too often, or gets too many hurricanes, here's my recommended reaction: politely agree with them that Houston is not a city for the soft or irresilient - they should probably choose somewhere like California. Texas welcomes the tough.  read more »

California Loses 70,000 Residents 2019 to 2020

The Census Bureau has just published its 2020 state population estimates, which indicate that the state that has led growth in the United States for the last 170 years lost 70,000 residents last year.  read more »

Big City Talent Markets Were Getting Hit Pre-Pandemic

One impact of the coronavirus has been to accelerate some trends that were already present in the marketplace beforehand.  read more »

Silicon Valley Exits California for Texas

The big news this week is all the different tech companies announcing their moves to Texas.  read more »

Young People Leaving Buffalo, Despite Cuomo Claims

According to the Wall Street Journal, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said that young people are returning "to upstate cities such as Buffalo." The Governor continued, “This is reality, these are numbers.” Cuomo was quoted in a 27 September article on the population and economic stagnation in New York. Actually, the latest American Community Survey domestic migration data for the Buffalo metropolitan area, there was net outmigration in 2011-2015.  read more »