
On the George Floyd Killing and Police Reform

Obviously I wanted to write something here about the George Floyd killing and its aftermath. I’ve struggled to find something to say, in part because I am far less optimistic than many others  read more »

Telework, Telehealth & Real Estate After the Pandemic with Dan Young

In the second episode of the Feudal Future podcast, Joel Kotkin and Marshall Toplansky talk with guest Dan Young about his vision of the future post-COVID-19.  read more »

Virtual Town Hall: The Future of Residential and Commercial Real Estate

What is the future of real estate after Covid-19? If you were unable to join Richard Florida, Joel Kotkin, Marshall Toplansky and other leading experts to see where the real estate market is going, you can still listen to the discussion at the link below.  read more »

Preserving Opportunity for the Global Middle Class

On the first episode of the Feudal Future podcast, Joel Kotkin and Marshall Toplansky break down what it means to live in a feudal society, why we're headed towards one, and what we can do to start reversing the trends.  read more »

Minneapolis, Today and Tomorrow

Growing up in all white and mostly Jewish Oak Park (Michigan) of the 1950’s my only encounters with black people were our 70 year old landscaper my grandparents referred to as ‘boy’ and an occasional maid. My grandparents lived south of 8 mile and would take us to eat at ‘Little Black Sambo’s’ restaurant. That was the ‘normal’ I was raised in.  read more »

The Future of Residential and Commercial Real Estate

What is the future of real estate after Covid-19? Please join Richard Florida, Joel Kotkin, Marshall Toplansky and other leading experts to see where the real estate market is going. We will be discussing issues including the future of office space, retail, affordable housing, inner cities, suburbs and small towns.  read more »

Joel Kotkin on COVID-19's Impact on Work and Life

Chapman University's Joel Kotkin on C-Span, talking about the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on urban centers in the United States.  read more »

The Feudal Future Podcast — (Launching: Sunday May 31st)

With the new class structure resembling that of the Medieval times, freedom of choice around how to live and work is quickly disappearing for small business people, property owners, skilled workers and private sector professionals.  read more »

On the Death of Australia's Jane Jacobs

The life of trade union leader Jack Mundey, who died this week, is being celebrated across the Australian media. He undoubtedly had a long lasting impact on Sydney, but perhaps in ways most commentators fail to acknowledge. As secretary of the communist controlled NSW Builders Labourers’ Federation from 1968 to 1975, Mundey pioneered a boycott tactic which came to be known as ‘the green ban’.  read more »

Young Firms and Regional Economic Growth

Young Firms and Regional Economic Growth demonstrates how knowledge-intensive and Main Street entrepreneurs are critical to long-term economic success. Metropolitans and micropolitans that started with stronger entrepreneurial ecosystems  read more »