remote work

Feudal Future Podcast: What Works Best? The Office Debate: Work From Home vs. Work at the Office

On today’s episode of Feudal Future hosts Joel Kotkin and Marshall Toplansky are joined by Doug Holte, the President of Irvine Company Office Properties and formerly served as a West Coast regional partner with the international real estate firm Hines, Kate Lister, president of Global Workplace Analytics (GWA), a research and consulting firm that helps employers understand and prepare for the future of work  read more »

Ask the Experts Virtual Town Hall: The World After COVID

Chapman University’s Vice President for Research, Thomas Piechota hosts Ask the Experts Virtual Town Hall: The World After COVID on Wednesday, September 1st from 9:00 – 10:00 AM PST.  read more »

UK Economy Survives Pandemic: Government Assistance and Remote Work the Reasons

In an article entitled “Financial hit from Covid far less drastic than feared,” The Times of London reported on July 8 reported that “Unemployment, debt and earnings have not worsened significantly as a result of the pandemic  read more »

AEI's Ed Pinto on the Housing Reshufflling and Remote Work

Fortune recently published an interview with Ed Pinto, director of the American Enterprise Institute Housing Center, and former chief credit officer of Fannie Mae.  read more »

Quebec to Start 3-Day Work at Home Policy in 2022

Evidence keeps mounting that conversion to the “hybrid” or “cloud” employment model is gaining steam.  read more »

The Future of Remote Work and What it Means for Houston

This week I want to focus on a single CSM story, because it's the most insightful I've seen on what post-pandemic work might look like: Remote work is here to stay – and it’s changing our lives.  read more »

Feudal Future Podcast — How COVID is Shifting Corporate Location Strategy with Jay Garner

On today's episode of Feudal Future hosts Joel Kotkin and Marshall Toplansky welcome Jay Garner. Jay is CEO of Garner Economics as well as the Chair of the Site Selectors Guild. This episode explores the topic of site selection and how companies are choosing sites for their expansions. The group talks about how these types of decisions have been affected by the pandemic.  read more »