
Coasts Create Banking Crisis, Flyover Country Pays the Price


The figurative tremblors of the last few weeks have confirmed why we call ourselves Flyover Country. It’s because the major shapers of the American economy keep — well, flying over us as they shake the financial foundations of the entire nation.  read more »

Why Veterans in Labor Should Not Be Ignored


Even in the era of identity politics, one category of identity has largely been ignored: what UK journalist Joe Glenton calls “veteranhood.”19 million former soldiers — most of them working class — share a strong sense of personal identity as vets  read more »

The Future of Cities: California's Inland Empire


Ryan Atwood was the juvenile delinquent from the slums of Chino, just east of the county line, as depicted in the popular show The O.C. However, Chino was not a crime-ridden pocket in the Golden State  read more »

The Rich Are Eating Themselves


Beware of plutocrats bearing gifts. The annual clown show at Davos epitomises how today, the global elites have embraced an unholy trinity of ‘progressive’ doctrines: climate-change apocalypticism, a belief in systemic racism and racial ‘equity’, and radical gender ideology.  read more »


Demographia International Housing Affordability – 2023 Edition Released


Demographia International Housing Affordability rates middle-income housing affordability in 94 major housing markets in eight nations: Australia, Canada, China, Ireland, New Zealand, Singapore, the United Kingdom and the United States. This edition covers the third quarter (September quarter) of 2022.  read more »

The New Great Game


The Western response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine is widely seen as a sign of a reinvigorated alliance of democracies against authoritarianism.  read more »

The Future of Cities: The Evolution of New York City Politics


It's always been a mug's fame to best against New York City, which was counted out only to quickly bounce back after 9/11 and again in 2008 after the financial system nearly collapsed and took the world economy with it.  read more »

Environmentalists Are China's Useful Idiots


In his drive to achieve absolute power, Vladimir Lenin could count on Western progressives and opportunist executives to serve as "useful idiots." Today's most prominent Communist, China's Xi Jinping, can count on similar help, this time from the West's environmentalist, corporate elites.  read more »

A Neo-feudal War on the People


An author should be pleased to see his thesis bolstered by events. Yet since writing The Coming of Neo-Feudalism in 2020, I have not found any joy in the continued growth of the West’s class divides  read more »

Beyond Davos


Few annual events produce more paranoid commentary than the World Economic Forum’s recently completed Davos conference.  read more »