- Economic, demographic, and political commentary about places

The Future of Cities: Utah and Salt Lake City Policy Innovations in Homelessness, Poverty, and Health


The proper size of government permeates public policy discussions about homelessness, poverty, and health care. The left and right debate varying degrees of government involvement, typically failing to act and often deteriorating into a state of policy paralysis.  read more »

The End of the Silicon Valley Dream


It is difficult, given what Silicon Valley has become, to convey exactly what it was like in the 1970s and ‘80s. It was a remarkable center of technology, but also the embodiment of the spirit of capitalism at its very best, as epitomized by garage start-ups like Apple. Greed, of course, is always a human motivation, but the early Valley culture was created by entrepreneurial outsiders who genuinely wanted to make the world better.  read more »


California Growth and Domestic Migration: Changing Trends


For nearly all the 20th century, California was the national growth leader. In every census from 1930 to 2000, California added more residents than any other state.  read more »

Rescuing Ireland Won't Save Biden


President Biden may have received a rapturous welcome in Ireland, but Democratic strategists in Washington will have taken little notice.  read more »

Jamie Dimon's Climate Corporatism


Deep Throat never said, “follow the money.”

That phrase, which has become one of the most famous axioms in politics and journalism, was featured in the 1976 movie “All the President’s Men,” which starred Dustin Hoffman and Robert Redford.  read more »

China Wants to Vassalize the West – Trudeau and Biden Want to Let It


Throughout history, more powerful nations have preyed on smaller ones, as is now being demonstrated by Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine. Yet for those outside Europe, China’s economic power makes it a far more formidable threat to democracy than neo-tsarist Russia  read more »


The Future of Cities: A New Path for Black Urban Voters?


For decades, a large majority of black Americans have aligned with the Democratic Party, but the modern-day Democratics Party's leftward shift may cause a reevaluation of that relationship.  read more »

Elon’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Battery Math


In 2007, I interviewed Vaclav Smil by email. I asked the Canadian polymath and prolific author a simple question: why are so many people so easily duped when it comes to discussions about energy and power?  read more »


Restaurant Revolution


Nokmaniphone Sayavong started her business, Nok’s Kitchen, during the worst of times—the Covid pandemic—and in a state that often treats small businesses with the delicacy of a cat torturing a mouse. Yet she has found a way to thrive.  read more »

Childish Beliefs Drive Lethal Energy and Agricultural Agendas


Many eco-activists (and too many legislators, regulators, judges and journalists) have trouble thinking beyond slogans. They apparently believe declaring ecological emergencies, repeating clever mantras, and issuing proclamations and mandates will create a fossil-fuel-free, organic farming utopia. In their dreams.  read more »