- Economic, demographic, and political commentary about places

By Failing to Promote Safety, America’s Older Cities are Failing to Build Community


It seems that a day hardly goes by without another incident of violence making the national news. From school shootings to aggressive protests from extreme groups and endless petty crime in general  read more »

The Governor's Gambit


Many conservatives may see Gavin Newsom as the epitome of the progressive Left, with some even calling his policies “communist.”  read more »

California Will Be Exploiting Developing Countries to Achieve EV Truck Goals


We all know by now that the California Air Resources Board has banned the sale of traditional combustion trucks – that run of diesel – by 2036 in the state.  read more »

Women have won the 'war between the sexes,' but at what cost?


The war between the sexes has ended, and rather than a co-operative future that could benefit all  read more »


Cities Aren't Dying But They Do Face Challenges


You’ve probably seen photos or videos of huge homeless encampments in America’s cities, like the ones in this Daily Mail article about Portland.  read more »

Nurturing California Industries - Report


California has the opportunity to maintain and grow industries that can provide future jobs to middle class citizens and make the state more competitive. Below is an excerpt from this newly released report.  read more »

Observations on U.S. New Towns


In the middle of the 20th century, there was considerable interest in developing new communities (new towns). The interest was, to some degree, driven by the establishment of new towns in nations like the United Kingdom and France, where a number of projects had been completed by 1970.  read more »

Tory Autocracy


Over the past century, and even before, conservative political movements thrived by challenging the Left’s appeal to the working and middle class. Virtually all the successful movements on the democratic Right  read more »

Mothers, Electrified


When I met Rehena Jamadar, she was 44 years old. A soft-spoken, elegant woman, she had her first child, a girl, when she was 16.  read more »
