- Economic, demographic, and political commentary about places

Low Speed Fail


Curiouser and curiouser, said Alice as she grew taller and taller in Wonderland.

Curiouser and curiouser, said everyone paying even the slightest attention as the high-speed rail fantasy grew bigger and more expensive and further behind schedule and more incomprehensible and more ludicrous and now, yes, even possibly taller and taller in California.  read more »

How New York Can Survive


In 1912, James Weldon Johnson wrote that New York City is “the most fatally fascinating place in America”. The city, he explained, “sits like a great witch at the gate of the country, showing her alluring white face and hiding her crooked hands and feet under the folds of her wide garments — constantly enticing thousands from far within, and tempting those who come from across the seas to go no farther.”  read more »

CSY Repost – What Happened to Addressing Inequality?


My father, a retired AME Church pastor, on occasion would start a sermon with a story about a pastor preaching a particularly fantastic sermon. The pastor was heaped with praise by his congregants after service. The following Sunday he preached the exact same sermon, to the puzzlement of the church members.  read more »

COP 27 Has No Backup Plan to Replace Products from Oil


The U.N. COP27 conference was held in Egypt and attracted the global elites and more than four hundred private jets. All attendees recognize that the climate change is occurring  read more »

Normalizing Jew-Hatred


The worst thing about the aftermath of Donald Trump’s repast last month with two open anti-Semites—Kanye West and Nick Fuentes—was not the predictable liberal outrage and conservative cowardice, but how the incident has been accepted as part of normal discourse.  read more »

Meeting Labor's Moment


In my thirty years in the labor movement, I’ve never seen a moment quite like this one. We’re living through a pivotal moment for America’s working class and for the future of U.S. labor, but it’s more than that. This is a major shift in the social and economic order.  read more »

To Embrace Immigration, Canada Must Reject Trudeau's Racialized Policies


Recent government moves to increase immigration to 1.2 million over the next three years reflects both a hopeful sign for Canada’s future, but also potential impact. Along with immigration’s many benefits, we could see the intensification of racialism and identity politics, the kind that is threatening to tear apart an already deeply divided United States.  read more »

The Absurdity of California's Reparations Proposal


You can always count on California’s progressive contingent to mix lunacy with hypocrisy. The state’s nine-member Reparations Task Force last month recommended large state payments to descendants of slaves, now living in California.  read more »

Transit Carries 66.6% of 2019 Riders in September


September 2022 was a booming month for the American transit industry, which carried 66.6 percent as many riders as in September 2019, according to data released yesterday by the Federal Transit Administration.  read more »

2020 US Population Center in Missouri (and Perhaps for the Next Century)


Based on data from the 2020 Census, the mean center of the population in the United States is in the northeast corner of Wright County, Missouri.  read more »
