- Economic, demographic, and political commentary about places

Reconsidering the City


Over five millennia, urban centers have been drivers of civilization and progress, and have adapted in ways that have changed their form and function but assured their survival. Today, they are about to undergo another critical transition that will determine their relative position in the decades ahead.  read more »

Tokyo, Osaka & Nagoya Cores: Migration Losses


As Japan fell into population decline early in the last decade, the Tokyo area (Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama and Chiba prefectures), in something of a paradox, experienced population increases.  read more »

Green Rope-a-Dope: China Watches as America Greens


The color green has long been associated with envy, but increasingly it’s becoming a pigment of mass delusion. Amid near-hysterical reporting about the climate, the U.S., and much of the West, is embracing willy-nilly policies likely to weaken our economyand boost China’s ascendancy at the expense of democracy and market economies.  read more »

Milwaukee Tool Creates New Legacy of Modern Industrial Success


Hipsters sitting in an apartment in Silicon Valley or on the wharf in Boston can code a new restaurant-reservation app or pixelize a new video game with knockoff characters from Game of Thrones. But it takes someone who knows their way around a power tool to geofence a concrete rotary hammer or to automate a factory-floor process for making a sewer cleaner.  read more »


Who Will Be the Next Mayor of Los Angeles?


Central Avenue, the historic heart of South Los Angeles, has seen better days. Once the home to leading black institutions, like the famous Dunbar Hotel, where jazz and other musical greats stayed, it was also an industrial powerhouse that promised decent work for those fleeing the Jim Crow South.  read more »

Suburbanizing Canada: The 2021 Census


Canada continues to move to the suburbs, as the 2021 census data shows. This is based on a Statistics Canada analysis on metropolitan (Census Metropolitan Areas, or CMAs) population and change since the 2016 Census.  read more »

America's Great Cities are Gripped by Decline and Disorder


For the past decade, America’s urban centres have been increasingly run by ‘progressive’ activists. Yet today, as US cities reel from collapsed economies, rising crime and pervasive corruption, there’s something of a revolt brewing, the success of which may well determine the role and trajectory of our great urban centres.  read more »


Learning From Las Vegas: Tony Hsieh’s Big Gamble


Back in 2014 I was in the live audience here in San Francisco listening to Tony Hsieh speak. He gave a presentation that was partly about the formation of his company Zappos. But more interestingly to me, it was about his attempts at urban revitalization in downtown Las Vegas where his company had relocated.  read more »


N.Y. Company Schools Flyover Peers on Recruiting Workers


When people ask me, “Exactly what do you consider Flyover Country?” I generally point to the logo of The Flyover Coalition and say: “There!” Because our logo nearly perfectly circumscribes the part of the country that basically is linked economically and psychographically, including Florida, Georgia, West Virginia — even Colorado and Montana.  read more »


Metro Economies: Setting Themselves Up, Or Falling Into Place?


Perhaps because I’m from the Midwest, I’m always fascinated by the factors that drive economic growth and decline, particularly at the metro level. I often hear that when a metro area is experiencing a boom, pundits say that declining metros ought to replicate the actions and policies of a booming one.  read more »
