- Economic, demographic, and political commentary about places

Hudson County: New York's Sixth Borough


In some ways, Hudson County, New Jersey shares characteristics of a New York City borough. This is evident in various urban and transportation indicators and their similarities in urban form.  read more »

In Five Years, Sound Transit Has Racked Up An Additional $50B for Rail Plan


Since 2017, Sound Transit’s full system expansion went from costing taxpayers $92 billion to an incredible $142 billion, and project completion was stretched from 2041 to 2046.  read more »

There’s One Simple Trick for Making America’s Post-Pandemic Cities Great Again


America’s great cities are coming back, albeit slowly, from the shock of the pandemic, and its divisive aftermath. But don’t expect them to fully recover their former status any time soon.  read more »


China and Russia Rejoice at America’s Quest to Go Green


China and Russia are great War historians of WWI and WWII, and know that the countries that control the minerals, crude oil, and natural gas, controls the world!  read more »

How the Boomers Robbed the Young of All Hope


"Young people do not degenerate; this occurs only after grown men have already become corrupt." - Montesquieu, The Spirit of Laws, 1748.

The great test of a generation is whether it leaves better prospects for its descendants.  read more »

Car Access in US Major Metropolitan Areas


Motor vehicles (cars, SUVs, and personal trucks) are important to national and metropolitan economies, but also the economy of households.  read more »


Between the Stupid and the Evil


‘We have two parties here, and only two. One is the evil party, and the other is the stupid party… I’m very proud to be a member of the stupid party… Occasionally, the two parties get together to do something that’s both evil and stupid. That’s called bipartisanship.’  read more »

America's Two Housing Markets


Imagine that, on top of all our other problems, the United States had a shortage of pickup trucks. While many pickups are purchased for recreational purposes, they also play vital roles in construction, farming, forestry, and other industries.  read more »

The Independent Republics of Big Tech Are the Biggest Threat to Democracy


The Department of Homeland Security revealed last week that it was creating a Disinformation Governance Board to distribute "best practices" for countering disinformation.  read more »

The "Myth" of Russian Gas


Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine may be paid for with its oil and gas sales to Europe, but this gift is one that may stop giving. Russia’s oil resources are increasingly located in the hardest to reach areas  read more »
