Urban Issues

Bandon Is Urban After All


Last week, I complained that, under the Census Bureau’s new definition of “urban,” Bandon, Oregon is rural.  read more »

California Dominates Urban Area Density Rankings


The newly released Census Bureau urban area reveals all 10 or the densest urban areas are in California, as well as 39 of the densest 50, and 70 of the 100.  read more »

The Future of Cities: Introduction


Whatever the future holds for humanity, it is likely to take place in an urban context. Yet, as this book will demonstrate, there are many, and sometimes divergent, urban futures.  read more »


Welcome to Austin


I'm going to make a little deviation from the bulk of the "Welcome to..." stories you see below, which mostly focus on South Side Chicago neighborhoods (the exceptions are Rosemont, in Chicago's northwest suburbs, and Park Forest, in the south suburbs).  read more »

Let Cities Be What They Want to Be


An on-line site called the Dumber, er, I mean Intelligancer says that, for cities to survive, developers must be allowed to convert office buildings into housing.  read more »

It's Time for Region to Collect Opportunity We Left on the Table


For all the talk about how the pandemic, remote work, social distancing and other huge new developments have dislodged traditional patterns in business and life in America and created vast new opportunities in the process, Flyover Country has left a lot on the table.  read more »

2020 Urban Areas and Data Announced (United States)


Note: This is a revised version., which reflects a correction by the Census Bureau to the San Francisco-Oakland urban area, into which has been combined the San Rafael-Novato urban area. San Francisco-Oakland remains the 14th largest urban area, but now ranks behind Los Angeles in density. The revised data is in the table at the end of this article. The fully revised replacement article is available here.  read more »

Hijacking of Urbanism


If you’ve read this blog over the years you know that I’ve increasingly written about a general staleness in urbanist discourse. I’ve characterized it as seeing a need for new ideas in urbanism discourse, superstar cities becoming the victims of their own success, or the needs of interior cities being glossed over in favor of the coasts.  read more »

Washington, Colorado, and Oregon: The Next Domestic Outmigration Wave?


The newly published US Census Bureau state and District of Columbia population estimates contain some surprises about changing growth and net domestic migration (movement between states) patterns.  read more »

Why WFH Will Not Doom Cities


Thomas Edsall of the New York Times recently wrote a piece in which he questioned several top academics in economics and real estate on whether two outcomes of the Covid pandemic  read more »