
Shift of Net Domestic Migration to Smaller MSAs and Outside CBSAs

From the early 2010s to 2022, net domestic migration in the United States has evolved strongly toward less populated areas.  read more »

Feudal Future Podcast: Navigating the Global Politics That May Shape America's 2024 Elections

Uncover the unforeseen ways foreign policy sways the American electoral tide with us, Marshall Toplansky and Joel Kotkin, as we host a conversation that traverses the global political landscape  read more »

YIMBY Can Populate Conference Halls (at Least)

The Biden administration's Realtor subsidy scheme is the latest flag, but the politics of "affordable housing" cut across normal partisan bounds.  read more »

Feudal Future Podcast: Exploring the Impact of Catholic Schools on Underserved Communities

Unlock the secrets of a holistic education that goes beyond academics as we engage with Stephannie Saroki de Garcia, Soledad Ursua, and Tony Lemus, dissecting the profound effects of Catholic school environments on underserved communities in California.  read more »

Feudal Future Podcast: Exploring the Paradox of Peace and Economics in Taiwan-China Relations

Discover the nuanced complexities of Taiwan-China relations and the unexpected preferences of their people toward peace  read more »

Feudal Future Podcast: Navigating the Future of Higher Education

Embark with us as we traverse the complex terrain of higher education alongside our distinguished panel—Rick Hess, Justin Dyer, and Dean Andrew Moser.  read more »

U.S. Tallest Building Set for Oklahoma City?

Oklahoma City, could become home to the nation’s tallest building, at 1,907 feet, a dimension intended to celebrate the 100th anniversary of statehood.  read more »

Goodbye to Davos and Good Riddance

Once widely considered the gathering of the elite of a future world government, the World Economic Forum is leaving a legacy of increasing irrelevance.  read more »

Shaving Time Off Suffolk County Homebuilding

At the heart of N.Y. Long Island's Suffolk County, new Brookhaven town supervisor Dan Panico wants to remove processing steps, such as at the planning board, from new housing development.  read more »